"Why what big teeth you have" I said scared backing up to a tree.
The wolf opened his mouth about to eat my face as he is thrown into a tree.
A huge black wolf stands instead of the smaller brown one.
"Well great now another way to die" I said sighi...
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Let's just say his mom was not at all happy about my story my mom and Rosetta talked as I went to get a shower. I thought a lot for a couple minutes as I showered. When I finished I got dressed and went downstairs and helped Rosetta clean up a bit.
"Thank you Emma I honestly think you are perfect for my son" she said smiling.
I smiled back.
"I wish he was better though"she said sighing.
I was about to comfort her when I fell screaming in pain.
"ROSE!!" His mom yelled loudly.
I screamed tears falling down my face catching on fire and the elements around me started to tear. My mom and Rosetta looked at each other.
Leila ran in than and dragged me out screaming bit from the magic. The heat felt unbearable my skin tore blood was all over me as I screamed and screamed. Leila put me in the lake near the home and I cried and screamed.
"Leila don't go" I sobbed.
She smiled.
"I'm not I'm staying right here I can't touch you though okay?" She asked.
I nodded and soaked in the water screaming and crying. It felt like hours and I didn't even know I fell asleep but I felt Leila running her hand through my hair. I opened my eyes and smiled a bit.
"You okay?" She asked softly.
I nodded and softly cuddled into her. She held me as I cried. She started to cry too. But then I pushed her off and rolled back in the water feeling the heat again screaming in worse pain then before.
I screamed begging her not to but she called him anyways.
"Roman please her heat is at the worse please Roman it stopped and then started back up again did you cheat?" She asked.
I heard a yes and heard him crying. That's when the fire started worse and I screamed louder and cried as I heard him say he isn't coming and Leila screamed and cussed at him.
I felt my heart break. He didn't care he never cared about me. I felt the last tear roll down my face as I teleported away from it all.
"I'm done"
Hey guys !!! So this is like section one of my story section two is very huge and is a big project of mine so I would love your thoughts or theories of what is going to happen next because this story section and ending will be nothing like I've ever done before this is a whole different set up for a story. Sorry these last two chapters sucked ass but maybe I'll go back and fix them I don't know we will see!