Chapter 1: Graduation

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Hats flew into the air as the now former high school students cheered loudly, glad to be rid of homework, tests, and horrible teachers. I laughed and yelled, "Finally!" Suddenly, I was being pulled through the sea of teenagers. We emerged from the crowd and realized my savior was none other than my boyfriend, Kane Donovan, who had already shed his gown.

He held out my skateboard towards me and asked, "Are you coming, Pretty Brown Eyes?"

"Hell yeah," I answered as I ripped my gown off to reveal my jean shorts, plain white tee, and red varsity jacket. I felt my black vans touch my skateboard as I hopped on.

Kane was already skating away, knowing I would catch up. I pushed off the ground to gain speed. As I passed him, I snatched his hat off his head yelling, "Race you there, Kane Edward Donovan!"

"You just made a big mistake, Ana Hamilton!"

I heard the scraping of the wheels against the concrete as Kane gained on me so I pushed harder.

I shrieked as I was lifted off my precious skateboard and thrown over Kane's shoulder. "Wait! What about my skateboard?" I asked with panic.

"Relax, Pretty Brown Eyes. I've got it," he soothed. Instantly, my muscles loosened. Yes, my skateboard was my life. You got a problem with that? No? That's what I thought.

"We're here," Kane singsonged. "Good because I'm gonna pass out. All the blood is rushing to my head," I snapped. " Sorry, beautiful," Kane apologized as he set me on solid ground. The moment my feet touched, my head started to spin and I felt myself losing balance.

Before the impact happened, two strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Careful, Ana," he warned with worry in his eyes. I did nothing but stare into those chocolate brown eyes I fell in love with.

Next thing you know, his lips are on mine in a passionate kiss. We pulled apart, joined hands, and walked towards our mini oasis. Kane grabbed our blanket and snacks out of a secret compartment in a tree we made earlier in the year. He laid out the blanket, which I sat on, and set a bag of Doritoes on the ground.

"Don't forget to-" I started but Kane cut me off. "I know." He set the silver bowl on the floor and poured puppy chow into it. As the clang of the pellets hitting the bowl echoed around us, I heard the patter of small footsteps. A hip reached my ears as Kane sat beside me.

"Hi, Snickers," I greeted the Rottweiler pup. Snickers licked my knee before he started to scarf down his food. Kane found Snickers the same time he found this pond. All he was was a sack of bones. We couldn't take him home because neither of our parents would allow it.

So, we decided to come twice a week and fill the large bowl. We've been feeding him for two months now. Snickers is now four months old and growing.

Speaking of the devil, Snickers decided to plop down on my lap. I stroked his silky ears as I felt myself dozing off as well.

"I love you, Ana," Kane whispered in my ear. "I love you too, Kane," I muttered before my eyes fluttered shut.

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