Chapter 3: No!

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"She Looks So Perfect" rang through the air and I peered at my alarm clock. 3:34 a.m. I felt around for my phone while thinking, "Who the hell would call me at three in the morning?"

The caller ID read "Kane" and I picked up furiously. "What do you want? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!" I snapped.

"Ana?" an unfamiliar voice answered. "This is Kane's mother. Sweetheart, Kane's been in a car accident."

My breath hitches in my throat and my eyes widened. What an amazing wake up call. All I know is I'm definitely awake now.

"Ana? Are you still on?" Mrs. Donovan asked. "I'm on my way," were the only words I muttered.

"Sabrina!" I yelled in her ear. "Get your ass up!" "But I don't want to," she groaned. "Sabrina! Kane's been in a car accident!" I tried again. Her head shot up so face she nearly head butted my nose. There was great fear gray eyes.

The two of us raced downstairs and out the door in our pajamas. Thankfully, I grabbed my keys before we left and they jangled in my pocket as we sprinted full speed to my red Camaro. We jumped in with me driving and Sabrina riding shotgun.

My hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly they were turning numb as I raced to the hospital with the engine purring loudly in my ears. I dodged slow moving cars and, well, basically every car, while their honks blared my ears. Sabrina had called Nate earlier and he was going to meet us there.
* * *
I slammed my palms on the front desk as I yelled," Kane Edward Donovan! Where is he?" "Ma'am, please calm down," the reseptionist soothed. "Calm down? You want me to-" I was cut off by a hand on my shoulder. "We would like to see Kane Donovan, please," Sabrina asked politely.

The attendant nodded her head and said, "Room 232." Sabrina smile at her while I sent her a death glare.

Sabrina held on tightly to my forearm as she pushed the up button on the elevator. We stepped into the elevator, pushed the second floor, and the close button. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the door to slide shut. "Close, damn it!" I yelled which caused Sabrina to dig her nails into my skin.

Great. Now I'm yelling at doors. I'm going insane.

The door finally decided to close after moments of agony and soon opened at the second floor. I rushed out and ran down the hallway.

"229.... 239...... 231....." I chanted as I read the room numbers. "Aha! 232!" I exclaimed as I barged into the room.

The sight I saw shocked me.

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