Chapter 8

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Ella's POV

Liam had was all over Steve at his party and Tony was just sitting there all sad and upset. Liam was happy and thats what should matter as a mother, but Tony hurting and I should care about my friend.

"Whats happening here? Liam is all over Steve and not Tony. I thought Tony was like Liam's father." Rhodey says sitting next to me.

"I know. Its different. I mean he didnt do this with the others. Maybe for like a few days, but that was it and then he was back to Steve." I say.

"Wait? Tony was the kids favorite?" Clint asks.

"Yeah. Tony was Liam's favorite for a long time." I say.


Liam was alittle over 10 months old and I have been trying to get him to say Mama for weeks now, but nothing. I wanted to hear his first word so badly. There was a knock on the door and I went over to answer it.

"Hey. I brought food." Tony says.

"Thanks Tony." I say as he walked in.

Last three months with Tony around made everything easier for me. He has been a big help to a total stranger. Liam saw Tony and crawled over to him and hit Tony's legs.

"Hey Liam. Do you remember me?" He asks picking up Liam.

"Do you remember Tony, Liam?" I ask.

"Come on bud giving me a sign. Nod or something for Tony." He says.

"I guess he doesnt remember you Tony." I say.

Liam touched Tony's face and was basically petting his goatee.

"Tooonny." Liam says.

Tony and I looked at each other and then back at my little boy.

"Did he just say my name?" Tony asks.

"I think so. Liam did you say Tony?" I ask my son.

"Tooonny." Liam says.

"I guess thats your sign." I say.

End FlashBack

I smiled at the story I told and looked over at Tony who was just watching Liam as Steve helped him hold the shield.

"So Tony only knew you guys for three months, but your son knew him already?" Clint asks.

"Yeah pretty much." I say.


Liam was now a year and two months which is 14 months old and he still is walking yet. I know its no big deal, but I want to see my son walk on his own.

"Hey Ell. Guess who's here." Tony says.

"The great Tony Stark?" I questions as the door opened.

"You got it." Tony says walking in.

"Tony. Tony. Tony." Liam says.

Then the craziest thing happened Liam pulled himself up and took small steps over to Tony and before he could fall Tony caught him.

"He officially likes you better then me." I say.

"Well you did say Im the Great Tony Stark so it makes sense." Tony says.

End FlashBack.

"See I knew that boy loved Tony the most, but why is he all over Steve?" Rhodey asks.

"I dont know." I say.

I went over to Tony and placed my hand on his shoulder. He put his hand on mine and he smiled at me. That smile went to a frown and I decided to leave him and went over to Liam.

"Mommy look Im holding Cap's shield." Liam says.

He could barely lift it, but Steve was helping him and I've never seen my son this happy. Well I have, but only when Tony would come visit.

"I see baby. Your so strong." I say.

The party continued and when it ended and it was time for Liam to got to bed. Liam begged Steve to read him a story and he asked that in front of Tony. Tony walked right out and didnt say anything. Steve read Liam the story and then was on his way back to his floor. I walked in to say goodnight to my son and he looked sad.

"Mommy?" Liam questions.

"Yes sweetheart." I say.

"Does Tony not love me anymore?" He asks.

"Why would you ask that? You that Tony loves you very much." I say.

"But he is always busy and he didnt even talk to me at my party. Then he walked away all mad before bed time. Why does he hate me now?" He asks crying.

"Ohh honey he doesnt. Tony is just busy and was grumpy. I'll talk to him okay." I say.

I kissed his head and shut the door now I was pissed Tony may be jealous of Cap, but he is hurting my son and I wont let him get away with that.

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