Chapter 4

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Ella's POV

Tony was acting weird last night and I didnt know why. I decided to make breakfast and hopefully talk to Tony about last night.

"Morning Mommy." Liam says.

"Morning baby. Pancakes?" I ask.

"Yes please." He says.

I handed him a plate and finished making the rest of the pancakes. I looked over at my son face covered in syrup.

"Oh look at you." I say and cleaned up his face.

"Mommy? Why does Tony come and go all the time? Why doesnt he stay?" He asks.

"Who knows why that guy does anything." I say.

"Talking smack about me?" Tony questions walking into the kitchen.

"It was a joke. Want pancakes?" I ask.

"Have some and sit by me Tony." Liam says.

"How can I say no to that." Tony says.

"No you cant." Liam says.

Tony took a plate and he would barely even look at me. I still dont understand why he is so upset with me. I cleaned up the kitchen and every so often I felt eyes on me and Im sure they were Tony's. After I finished I looked at my phone hoping to hear from John.

"After your done go get dressed and I'll take you to the park." I say to my son.

"Cant you take me to a bar instead." Tony says.

"She meant me Tony, but can Tony come too?" Liam asks.

"If he wants." I say.

"Well... Im not.." Tony says.

"Please Tony." Liam begs.

He gave Tony a pout and a pair of puppy eyes and Tony was having a hard time with it.

"Ugh fine. You win." Tony says.

Liam got excited and hugged Tony. Tony has been around since Liam was 7 months old. I know they have a unique bound and I would never mess with that. After everyone was finished we all got changed and we went to the park. Of course Liam had to drag Tony to push him on the swing. Some people were looking at us, but they all knew Tony is a family friend.

"Hey Ella." John says walking over to me.

"Hey John. Whats up?" I ask.

"Not much. Look about last night... Why is he glaring at me?" He asks.

"Who?" I ask.

"Stark." He says.

"Oh... Not sure. Tony is well Tony." I say.

"Have you talked to him about this? Maybe he will help you." He says.

"Yeah maybe, but I dont want to ask him for money. Thats just wrong. Its taking advantage of my friend." I say.

"Not really. If he offers it to you then its not taking advantage of him." He says.

"Yeah..." I say.

"Hey Johnny!" Liam yells running over to us.

"Hey bud. You guys have fun now. See ya." John says and walked off.

Tony again had the look on his face and I was worried about him. What is his deal? After we got back home I put Liam down for a nap nap and went over to the guest room. I knocked on the door just in case I opened it and Tony was not dressed.

"Tony? Can we talk?" I ask.

"Look I gotta go." Tony says opening the door.

"Wait... I need to talk to you." I say.

"Well I dont want to hear it right now. Pepper called. The new Tower in New York is almost done. See ya." He says and kissed my cheek.

He walked passed me and then out the door. I watched him drive away and I felt sad. Tony is always coming and going. Maybe I should let this small crush on him finally go.

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