Chapter 7 - Dormant Flame

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Lyra POV

After a lot of blood, sweat, and tear we finally finished the video. This means two things, I'm leaving South Korea and I get to have a short break. Already saying our goodbyes to the boys yesterday, I stare at the window. I stare at the city as we make our way to the airport. I can't help but feel gloomy, I don't really know why but my chest hurts a bit.

We finally make it to the airport, our driver opens our door and gathers our luggage. I follow Auntie and Mom as we make our way inside. 

Making our way through the airport, we get through all the trials smoothly making it just in time for boarding. 


I turn around to see who was yelling only to see Taehyung, luckily with my mask, he couldn't see my shocked expression. Although he had a pollen mask I could see he was out of breath like he just ran a marathon.

He walks up to me, looking at me dead in my face. 

"I'll call you later, have a safe flight."

We look at each other for a couple of seconds, my gloomy day seemed to fade away. Like the sun breaking through a cloudy day.

I giggle making him blush a bit, "You didn't have to race all the way up here to tell me that."

He looks at me with soft eyes, taking my hand rubbing his thumb on the back of it. "I know, To just wanted to see you again."

I start to heat up, "Ok, I'll talk to you later."

He lets go of my hand, "Ok."

I walk in the door giving him one last wave before getting on the plane, he returns it before he completely disappears from my sight.

This lead to butterflies flying in my stomach and me blocking out Auntie and Mom's remarks on the little scene we made. 

Like he promised he called me sometime after I got back home, we ended up talking for a couple of hours before I got sleepy and went to bed. This constant communication continued for the rest of my break. Constant texting, calling and video chatting throughout the day.

Everything seemed to be going well until worry stuck me today.

I sit across from mom as she tries to calm me down, "Lyra, I'm perfectly fine! It's just a small cold." 

I give her a small frown, "A small cold that's been going on for 2 weeks now! Your couching like crazy, sleeping in and losing focus!"

Mom gives me a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I'm going to the doctor later on today to see what's going on. So stop worrying."

I sigh, "Ok, but make sure you call me right after ok!?"

She pouts, "Ok mom~"

She gets up giving me a quick kiss before heading out, "I'll call you later. Love you!"

I smile, "Love you too~"

Once she leaves I head to the kitchen to make myself a snack. In the midst of making it my phone starts to ring, I answer it blindly knowing it can only be 3 people.


"Hey, Lyra!"

I smile, "Hey Teahyung."

"How's your day going so far?"

"It's going good..."

"Something happened, what's wrong?"

My heart warms, "You always seem to see right through my words."

He chuckles a bit, "And you always seem to try to hind behind them, now what wrong?"

"I'm just worried about Mom, she's been feeling under the weather lately. She's finally going to the doctor but I'm just scared of what they will say."

"Everything's going to be ok Lyra, you and I both know that your mom is a strong woman! If she is sick she'll fight right through it!"

"I guess your right." I chuckle a bit, "You always know the right things to say."

Continuing our conversation about our lives, our conversation comes to an end sometime later leaving me snacking on some popcorn while watching some random videos.

My phone rings again,  I once again answer it blindly thinking it's mom or auntie.


"Hello, Lyra."

I frown, anger raging within me like a flame that's been dormant for so long.


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