Chapter 21 - Surprise

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The two continue to work; with their jobs pushing them to do more, they still make time to see each other and make up for any lost time. With their own task, they made time to plan for the wedding and set reservations for the special date. It quickly became stressful, and even with the advice and help from their peers, it still felt overwelling. 

Having some time off, they both go to Korea, to their little safe haven, to finally take a break. Unknown to Teahyung, Lyra had a surprise since her flight came a bit early than his. Dressed in gray lingerie, sprawled out on the bed. 

When Teahyung entered the room, he knew she was home due to her suitcase placed next to the couch and the dimly lit lights down all the way down the fall. Hearing a soft hum, he leaves his bags in the living room and makes his way to their bedroom. 

 Opening the cracked door, his eyes widen at the sight of his fiance laid out on the bed. Like a fresh meal on a silver platter, she looks up and smiles, warming at him. "Welcome home." This drives him over the edge as he makes his way to the brown-skinned girl.

The night was long and pleasurable, the moans and grunts echoed throughout the room, but both early noticed as they fell into pleasure. Coated in sweat, they lay peacefully in each other's arms as they come down from their highs. 

"Wanna take a bath?"

Hums in agreement, slipping out of bed, she holds onto the wall as she struggles to stand. This makes Teahyung laugh while Lyra sends him a playful glare. Taking a quick potty break, Teahyung comes in soon after to turn on the shower. Helping her in, they clean each other, leaving an Intamin atmosphere. Turning on the bath, the tall man hands her a towel and lifts her, sitting her down on the bed he stars the bath. Pouring in oils and smooth liquids in the tub, he lights the candles and spreads them out in the bathroom. 

Once full, he turns off the water and returns to his beauty. Standing before her in his glory, she looks up at him, feeling flushed. Taking off her towel, she shivers at the cold air. Bending down, he lifts her up; their skin touches and molds together. 

Getting in the tub, she sits on his lap; wrapping his arms around her waist, she leans back. Resting his head in the crook of her neck, he leaves little hickeys. She moans a bit, feeling his hand snack down to her sensitive area; he whispers in her ear."

"You like that?"

She nods her head slowly, the heat from the water and the delectable scent. Her toes curled as he went deeper, pulling her closer; she can't help but squirm on top of his member, making him breathe heavily. On the edge, she feels herself release, catching her breath, she lifts herself up and pushing herself down. 

The water rocks within the marble tub, some falling on the floor. Crossing his arms around her body, he releases himself, allowing her to follow suit. The night remains peacefully as he cleaned her up and placed her on the bed to rest while he drained the tub. Finding under the covers, he smiles down at the sleeping figure and wonders how he got so lucky. 

A week past and the two had to return to work; spreading most of their time together, they were excited to see each other again. A few later, Lyra packs up her stuff and leaves the studio. She's been feeling so sleepy; no matter how much sleep she gets, she always feels like she needs more. The world around her grows fuzzy; she leans against the wall she holds her head in confusion. 

Grabbing her phone, she tries to put in her password. Seeing double, it takes a while, but she success just in time. "Auntie?"

She falls to the ground; her aunt calls out her name as she drifts off into a peaceful slumber. Finding her niece on the floor, she calls the ambulance and takes her to the Hospital. Some hours go by, and she awakens to the sound of a steady beep. 

Looking over, she smiles at her worried Aunite, "Morning."

Hearing her tired voice, she rushes over to her, "Lyra! You're ok!"

"What happened?"

"When you called, I came to the studio and found you on the floor."

"Yes, I was dizzy, and I felt so sleepy. I don't know why-"

"I can answer that."

Seeing the doctor enter the room, he smiles, "My name is Dr. Wilson; how are you feeling?"

Lyra smiles, "Would you be surprised if I said I was feeling tired?" 

"It's normal, but I have some good news. The reason why you've been feeling dizzy and a sense of fatigue are because you're pregnant."

Her eyes widen, placing her hand on her stomach, she begins to smile softly, tears fall from her eyes. "Pregnant?"

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