Chapter 10 - Every Word

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Lyra POV

Finishing our last shot, the music ends leaving us excited at our finishing work. Relaxing I say, "いい仕事みんな! あなたは素晴らしかったリサ! (Nice job everyone! You were great Lisa!)

It's been about a week and a half since I've been in Japan. I've been working with Lisa on her next music video, for her new single. Besides finishing my online classes, and working on some new projects in the producing space I have been texting Teahyung a lot. We've been wishing each other luck and staying updated with our lives and careers. Seeing his name light up on my phone or hearing his welcoming voice I always feel so warm. He always finds a way to make me smile.

Unfortunately with all these good things coming my way, mom's health has been leaving me stressed.  I know she told me that she would be coughing a lot for the first two weeks and she's stopped greatly. But I would always notice that whenever she coughed it would be hard, loud, and everlasting. So much that she would have to raise her hands, to slow down so she can take down some water and a small pill. 

I'm currently packing my bag since we're leaving tomorrow, heading straight to CA for a photoshoot and a collab with Selena Gomez. Packing my last item I get a call from Teahyung, answering it I smile.


"Hey, how are you? Haven't heard your voice in a while?"

I giggle, "I called you yesterday Teahyung~"

"Hmph, 14 hours is a long time."

"So we're counting now?"

He stutters, "W-what? Says who? O-of course not!"

"Ok Mr. 14 hours."

Laughing a bit we carry on the conversation, catching me off guard he says, "You know you can't fool me, is everything ok?"

That caught me off guard a bit, frowning a bit I speak up, "You seem to know me better than myself."

"I'm always here for you Lyra, it's better for you to tell me then leave it bottled in. Talk to me."

The silence between is thick but short, "It's my mom, I'm worried about her. She keeps coughing but the pills help die them down. I have a feeling that's all it's for, I feeling like it's bigger than what it is, but when I voice my opinions to her she tells me not to worry. I'm just...frustrated."

Tears start to flow, whipping them away as quickly as possible but they never seem to stop. 

"Lyra, everything is going to be ok. Just keep watching over her, stay close to her, and be there for her."

Sniffling a bit my tears finally come to an end, "Thank you."'


Those words fueled Teahyung more than Lyra knows. His feeling only growing with every minute, every call, and every word.

Always Be Here (AMBW) (Teahyung x BW)Where stories live. Discover now