Before my awakening

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"Yes, Anon? What is it?" My mother said.
The wind blew fiercely as my parents and twin brother tried to keep the table cloth from blowing away. The sky was getting dark, it was late around 6:30 in Mayso city park.
"What's that?" I said pointing to a bright light emanating from the street. It grew closer and the shape of the governments symbol appeared on the hood of the vehicle. A winged sword. I looked at my mother her bright blue eyes wavering with fear. She turned to me, "Anon, I don't know. Stay close, you too Akise."
The doors on the vehicle slammed closed as heavy armored peoples exited. Their weapons gleamed in the last remaining light of the sun. They surrounded us in a circle, guns pointed. A large man, perhaps the leader came forward. He was wearing much different armor, and held a strange device. His deep, rough voice said " Give us the children, and no harm will be done".
My mother gathered us closer, "I knew you would eventually find us, Lord Ikeda " spitting out the words with hatred. "I will never give my dear children away, and if you kill me. Hell shall release its wrath on you, demon!"
The Lord suppressed a smile, "You call me a demon? We are of the same race! You have no right to say that these are your children. You know that once they have been born, they belong to us. Every second of their lives." The smile let out. It was one full of madness. He raised his empty hand and it rained bullets. Mother and father were full of holes, their life juice spilling onto the green summer grass. Their faces like stone, not giving into pain or humility. They slumped forward as the men took me and my brother roughly. Pulling us away from our happiness. I was smart for a six year old, so was my brother. So we did not cry, We would get revenge for all the deceased caught in the ancient wars and so called peace between the Martians and Terrans.
I would find an abandoned Aldnoah drive or take it by force. And destroy all the evil that lurked this planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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