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chapter i .
the scientist

          i walked behind mrs. queen, next to oliver as diggle was pacing along next to her, me and ollie were doing small talk- enjoying each other's company as we walked "so you and felicity, huh?" i muttered, my eyes glancing off to the front, oliver looked over at me, his eyes staring at my face intently "what about me and felicity?" oliver said, his eyes looking up to the front once again "well you tell me, oliver," i said, i tried to hide my annoyance as it hurt to know that they were together, i've had feelings for oliver since forever, but he just never seemed to care about me the same as i do.

oliver sighed, he stopped walking, grabbing my arm and pulling me behind, he then placed his hands on my shoulders, his eyes trying to meet mine as he dipped his face closer to my own, but i kept my eyes trained on the floor not daring to glance up, oliver then removed his hand from my shoulder and placed it under my chin, lifting my face up to meet his gaze;

i could feel my blood rush up to my face, as oliver's was extremely close to mine, up to the point where i could feel his warm breath on my lips. i gazed deeply into his eyes, him doing the same- he then let out a cough, clearing his throat as he brushed hair off my face, "there is nothing going on with felicity and i, ok?" he muttered, i nodded slightly, oliver's eye twitched before he spoke again, "use your words valentina" he spoke, his hand gripping my chin tightly, not enough to hurt me, "yes d- oliver" i muttered, quickly recomposing myself. oliver smiled, not catching my slip up before placing a kiss to my forehead and ushering me forward as we sped walked towards the elevator.

we were in the qc wear house, oliver and diggle were checking out the fallen door, somehow someone had punched the door down and stole some type of equipment- me and felicity were standing off in the side, having a conversation amongst each other "the door is made of expanded reinforcement titanium. how would someone punch a door down? it doesn't make sense" i muttered to felicity who was just as confused as i was, detective lance walked towards dig and oliver just as diggle has asked "what did they use to do this?" dig stood from his crouched position, placing his hands on his jacket pocket "not sure yet. no sign of any explosives. maybe a crane, maybe a crow lift. i'm guessing there was at least three of them, maybe four. and given how quick they got in and out of here... they were fast" detective lance commented.

we were walking around the wear house, trying to find out what was stolen "any idea what these guys were so hot to break in here for?" lance asked us "you didn't happen to leave a spare earthquake machine lying around, did you?" he muttered as we stopped walking, oliver- who was next to me, stopped and stared at him, lance glanced at oliver before muttering a quick 'sorry'

oliver then turned back to look at me as i was already looking at him, knowing it was a touchy subject, his eyes held guilt—i knew he blamed himself for everything bad that's happened in this city.

i placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it sightly, as a sign of comfort, he glanced at me and let out a small smile, an unknown glimmer shown in his eyes, i just gave him a small smile in return and turned my gaze to the man before us, who was showing us an ipad that played some footage from the security cameras.

oliver and the rest of the crew stared at it intently, watching as a man with a mask punched off a guard then proceeded to grab a wooden box and punching it towards the camera, cutting off all connection, by the time the video was over everyone had looks of concern plastered on their faces, my mind was rambling with ideas of who or what that could've been- the guy soon cut my train of thoughts short "he was the only guy we got on video, the rest of the crew must have come in after him." he shrugged, oliver straightened his shoulders letting out a sigh, i placed a hand on his shoulder in sympathy rubbing my thumb against it.

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