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chapter vii .
three ghosts

"what do you mean by that 'lijah?" i mumbled while placing my hand on his cheek "it's inevitable" he whispered, "no- i, i can't.. i use this hood to honor you. to protect those who can't protect themselves" i said loudly, but not loud as if to scare him, my brother sighed "if you want to honor me, stop fighting.... and live. or everyone you love will die.. including barry allen and oliver queen"

"valentina?" oliver questioned behind me, i turned around quickly "who are you talking to?" he questioned walking towards me, i scrunch my eyebrows before turning back to where my brother was standing mere seconds ago, "no one, ollie.. it was no one" i whispered as he helped me up to my feet.

we were in oliver's car driving to the cave since ollie couldn't stop worrying about what i saw at his house,
i was looking down at my nails, playing with my hands nervously.

we stopped at a red light and once we started driving i made the mistake of glancing up, in the street was my brother standing there, bloodied, as oliver continued speeding down the road i didn't get the time to yell at him to stop. we ran him over.

my brother got thrown right over our car the sound being a loud thump as he rolled around- i let out a scream covering my face as i crumbled up, my mouth mumbling 'no' "valentina!?" Oliver yelled, quickly glancing quickly towards me "what happened, come on tina tell me what's going on" oliver cursed, quickly pulling over as i began shaking.

i began feeling hands grabbing me- and i screamed, my mind going back to the memories when my father used to beat me.

my sobs got louder, "stop, please. make it stop, stop!" i yelled repeatedly, "come on baby" the man whispered, he forcefully held my arms together, pulling me all the way to his side of the car and placing me on his lap, i tried punching and kicking but he held me tighter placing kisses to my forehead, soon after that i began feeling weaker and weaker, i felt a familiar touch- hands running through my hair and another rubbing my waist as i was curled in their lap- soon realizing i was with oliver, and not in that horrible excuse of a house, i calmed down, sinking into touch

"i'm sorry ollie" i mumbled, letting out a quiet hiccup "it's ok, it's ok. you're safe now, okay?" he mumbled, leaning his forehead against the top of my head "what did you see" he whispered, i then remembered what i had witnessed causing me to let out a sob "shh" oliver cooed at me, "you don't have to tell me" he mumbled.

i began feeling embarrassed as i never really show weakness in front of anyone, not even oliver whom i have known for years- even after everything we went through, i softly pushed myself away, rubbing the bottom of my eyes for any remaining tears "i'm fine ollie. it's ok" i smiled sadly, oliver sighed before pulling me into his chest tightly.

"it's ok to not be ok sometimes" he mumbled as he placed a kiss to my forehead, and at that; i broke down.

"barry" oliver yelled as he walked inside the cave with me in his arms. he had insisted i don't walk and offered to carry me "the rat poison that you gave valentina.. are there any side effects?" oliver asked as he glanced down at me worriedly.

oliver walked over to the table and placed me down as barry spoke, oliver conjoined our hands and stayed close to me for comfort "um, yeah, i think hallucination, maybe." barry nodded trying to remember, his gaze flickering from oliver's and i's closeness to the floor "and excessive sweating" he nodded, "is she sweating excessively" he asked concerned as he saw i wouldn't talk nor look at anyone

"she's hallucinating" oliver mumbled, glancing at me as he placed a hand to my cheek rubbing it gently "what about?" felicity asked as she walked closer "of what- i don't know" oliver mumbled "she doesn't want to tell me" he sighed, suddenly i felt oliver get pushed away a new pair of hands making their way on my body.

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