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chapter iii .
the scientist pt.three

oliver and diggle walked into the warehouse, i had called them telling them we found something "you found something?" oliver questioned looking over at felicity and i,

"we found something" felicity corrected "there were trace amounts of sucrose and a spec of dirt the killer dragged in here on his boot" barry said as he walked over to us, "which got me thinking" felicity said pointing over at me "there is a sugar refinery two miles from here. the land around it is suffused in waste sugar. so i checked-" felicity looked at me,
i jumped out of my daydream beginning to speak "they had a delivery truck stolen a few days ago." i looked over at barry "their truck matches the make and model of the truck the thief used to steal the centrifuge" barry said, "can you track the vehicle?" oliver questioned "we've been trying" i said pointing at the computer "nothing came up yet" felicity said as she looked over, suddenly the computer began beeping "what was that?" oliver questioned, "you're not going to believe this" i said in confusion, felicity stood next to me as barry glanced at it from my shoulder "the truck, it was just used to rob a blood bank" felicity said, confusion filling her voice as her brain scrambled with questions

"are you sure?" oliver asked, glancing at both of us "yeah. our guy just made off with 30,000 cc's of o-negative." i said in disbelief as i looked over at oliver "wait, so he has super strength, likes blood? please don't tell me we suddenly believe in vampires" diggle said looking over at oliver, at this point i believe anything is possible "uh, we should give this information over to the local police." barry said looking at all of us with eyes slightly wide "we'll.. take care of that. did you say that you were working with a similar case in central city?" oliver said, quickly recovering from exploding, barry looked slightly dumbfounded looking back at the computer "oh, yeah, um.. yeah you know it's similar. has similar elements. a lot of similarities." barry nodded, i looked at him is slight disbelief, not believing anything he's saying.

but it's barry, from the time i've known him he doesn't seem to be the guy to plan anything evil. i placed my hand on barry's shoulder and he flinched slightly before getting comfortable with my touch, oliver on the other hand glared at our conjoined body's  before mumbling "right. yeah" he then pulled diggle and felicity aside, as i turned in front of barry "are you ok?" i mumbled, barry looked at me and gave me a small smile, "yeah, yeah of course" he said with a nod "you know that if you need anything- i'm here" i said, squeezing his shoulder "the same goes to you" he mumbled, a smile growing on his lips

"they're staring" barry mumbled quietly, leaning his face closer to mine, i discreetly glanced over to find them all staring at barry and i, oliver had a scowl while felicity was gushing, diggle had a blank look listening as oliver was mumbling words to them, "let them" i smiled, looking back at barry, he smiled back before i suddenly got called by Oliver.

i looked over only to see him give me a look, I opened my mouth "um barry, i need to go. i'll see you in a bit, yeah?" i smiled "yeah- yeah" he nodded stumbling over his words. i placed a quick kiss to his cheek before running over to oliver who suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist, gripping it tightly, i shuddered under the pressure, this being one of my kinks- preferably on my neck, but i don't mind.

"we got a job" oliver mumbled as we walked out of the warehouse.

oliver and i were speeding on his motorcycle - catching up to the stolen truck, the man driving the truck began moving it from side to side as me and oliver tried to get to it, "i think i can get on" i yelled over the wind as we got closer, oliver nodded he shot an arrow at the mirror on the side of the truck as a distraction and i jumped on the roof as quietly as i could, oliver left his motorcycle and climbed up with me, he jumped down first, kicking the man with the mask with his legs through the broken door before being punched in the stomach, he fell to the side, hanging onto the sides of the truck to hold himself up, he climbed up again and punched the guy a couple times, they guy in return punched him harder in the face making him let go of the door- falling through the side.

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