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chapter iv .
the scientist pt.four

i walked over to felicity and barry who were both watching the news on central city "pretty cool, right?" he smiled looking over at me as i stood beside him "hell yeah- i wish i could watch the particle accelerator" i whined leaning my head against his shoulder, barry gave off a big smile, opening his mouth to speak but getting cut off by felicity "you know there's been a hundred percent increase in earthquakes since they've turned on the large hadron collider" barry scoffed opening his mouth "that data is misleading." he nodded smugly "oh do tell," i smirked crossing my arms and pulling away.

barry opened his mouth making weird faces in a mocking gesture before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards him, causing me to laugh

"you know about misleading, don't you?" oliver said walking into the room with a glare set on his face at mine and barry's closeness "what are you talking about?" felicity questioned as i pulled away from barry in confusion, although he kept a loose arm wrapped around my waist "he's not from csi, he's an assistant. " oliver said, his gaze never leaving barry's "whose bosses don't know you're in starling" my smile instantly vanished as i pulled away from barry, he turned towards me quickly opening his mouth to explain but oliver cut him off quickly "there is no similar cases in central city" oliver scowled, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his side, keeping his arm secured around me tightly

"so tell me, barry.." he exaggerated his name "what are you really doing here" he questioned, eyes still fixed on barry, i lowered my gaze as barry kept glancing over at me, he let out a sigh, looking at the wall behind us "i told you my mom was murdered" barry spoke directly to me, i peeked up at this in acknowledgment, nodding my head slowly "by your father" oliver cut in, barry's gaze suddenly hardening "he didn't do it" he agitatedly said walking closer to oliver and i, his eyes fixed on ollie

i pushed oliver back as i stood in front of barry "you said that the police didn't find the man who killed her." i said softly, placing my hand on his waist, barry looked down at me with a sigh "the police think they did. my dad has been serving a life sentence. they didn't believe me" he mumbled bitting his lip lightly as his gaze switched to the floor beside me "about what?" i questioned, leaning my head down to catch his eyes, barry looked up- gave me a glance but switched his eyes to oliver who stood a few inches away from me, i moved and stood beside barry as he gripped my hand in his own, oliver glanced at our hands with a scowl before focusing on barry

"..one night, something just came into our house like a tornado," he said shaking his head, barry turned to look at me "a blur. somewhere inside that blue, i saw a person." he said, his eyes clouding over in sorrow. i sighed sadly rubbing his arm with my free hand and placing a small kiss to his shoulder. barry gave me a small smile before looking over at oliver "my dad went to fight it. i tried to get 'em when suddenly.." barry opened and closed his mouth trying to find the right words "i was 20 blocks away from our house." he tightened his jaw as well as his grip on my hand "nobody believed me." barry let out a dry chuckle with a shake of his head "they thought i was trying to cover for my father. but what i saw that night, was real,

"as real as the man that ripped down that medal door with his bare hands." oliver finally looked away from barry, eyes turning red in slow tears, i moved closer to oliver, mine and barry's hands still conjoined as i placed my other hand on ollies, he gave me a small smile squeezing my hand "thats why i look into cases like this. the ones nobody believes are possible" he finished, looking over at felicity then at me "maybe if you can just make sense of one, you might be able to find out who really killed my mother. and free my dad" he said with a shake of his head, barry then sighed, looking away from me and to oliver "i am sorry i lied to you." he shook his head,

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