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chapter viii .
three ghosts pt.two

          "so any plans for christmas?" barry asked felicity and i,
i was spinning around in my chair next to felicity, slightly in between both barry and felicity but not blocking each other's view "nope" i popped my lips as felicity answered excitedly "lighting my menorah" she smiled,

suddenly oliver walked in "hey" "hi" felicity answered straightening up and turning her spinning chair towards him "how're you feeling" oliver immediately asked walking over to me, i smiled sitting up, oliver brought me in for a hug "ollie i'm fine" i mumbled, "uh- no. you were at the point of breaking down not even an hour ago" barry scoffed, i glared at him before oliver pulled my arm "you what?" he questioned, giving me a look as if saying 'we'll talk later' i rolled my eyes at his protectiveness, don't get me wrong. i love oliver and everything he had to give, but sometimes it just got overwhelming.

"why are you here? is everything ok" felicity asked while glancing between the three of us noticing the slight tension "yeah everything's fine. just, it's a little bit crowded at my house, and i wanted to come down here to get a little privacy, and to check how vale's feeling." oliver mumbled while we pulled away, he seemed to be acting a little weird ever since we got accidentally stabbed with random chemicals- but didn't think much of it.

"yeah," fel nodded as her and barry stood up, "come on barry, we can watch the countdown at bug belly burger" she said glancing at me and barry, i nodded, "yours and vale's blood analysis are almost ready" barry nodded causing oliver to sigh as i looked over at him with a glare.

barry looked over at me as if to tell me to go with them but i gave felicity a look saying she could go ahead with barry, she nodded pulling barry away as she whispered to him, barry gave me one last glance before nodding and walking off with fel.

i turned my attention back at oliver as they walked out. "what does he mean by that" i raised my eyebrows, oliver glanced anywhere but me before answering "it's nothing.." oliver mumbled before i cut him off "that's not 'nothing' oliver. what does he mean" i asked once again pointing a finger at him then at the door where the couple had walked out "it's just-" he sighed rubbing his eyes with the tips of his fingers "i've been having hallucinations.. i didn't want to say anything to worry you," i glared "and before you say anything-" ollie raises his hands up "i was going to tell you- but someone beat me to it" he mumbled angrily with an eye role.

i sighed "you don't hide something like that from me oliver" i sighed bringing him in for a hug "i know, i know. and i'm sorry" he said wrapping his arms around my waist, i sighed before pulling away giving him a soft smile, "i'm getting a drink from upstairs" he nodded and i walked up to the bar.

i walked down a few moments later, just as i set foot on the last floor i gasped loudly running over to oliver who was on the floor surrounded by the glass that used to be the case that held his suit.

i fell to my knees next to him not caring is if the glass stabbed my leg.

oliver looked around dumbly, i placed my hands on his bicep and he sighed loudly "i'm fine.. i'm fine" oliver breathed heavily
"ollie" i sighed, "was it the hallucinations?" i questioned softly while running my fingers through his hair softly, "i-" he tried to deny but shut his mouth and nodded slowly, i sighed helping him up to his feet before rubbing his shoulder "c'mon. let's get this cleaned up" i smiled

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