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chapter vi .
the scientist & the three ghosts

          oliver and valentina  got taken to the cave once found by felicity and diggle, they placed them both on tables next to one another.

barry began waking up from his slumber as diggle had shot him with a tranq dart, he opened his eyes and as he did he saw a panicked felicity, "please save my friend" she mumbled pulling him up,
barry and her ran over to where valentina was hyperventilating her body jerking around, diggle tried to hold her down as much as he could, felicity going next to him to help while oliver lay peacefully besides them, barry stared wide eyes at the girl he likes, seeing her this way physically hurt him, he pushed past his hurt running over to help save her

"she's not gonna make it" diggle mumbled angrily as he checked her pulse, barry and diggle quickly opened her suit top, leaving her on her sports bra- her scars visible to the world "she will. we just have to find out what's in her system" felicity spoke quickly, suddenly there was an intake of breath next to them, none of them paying no mind to it, focused on valentina "what happened" oliver ordered, limping over to valentina's side as he was still groggy and his eyes burning with unshed tears

no one answered his question "i- i- i usually only work on dead people." barry mumbled, his hands placed on valentina's cheeks "barry!" felicity yelled "alright" barry mumbled pulling away, he ran around trying to find a few thing "i can think of four possible diagnosis for what's causing her body to react this way" he said, he grabbed a light and checked valentina's eyes "make that three possible diagnosis" barry mumbled as he ran around

meanwhile oliver was helping dig and felicity hold valentina's body down, oliver's heart aching in pain as he watched "two" barry mumbled looking at her, he looked up and around the room quickly pointing at oliver "start chest compressions" oliver began compressions as he pushed down on her chest in a rhythmic movement

while barry went to grab a few supplies, he ran back and took the syringe stabbing it in her arm taking some blood, "got it," he said causing the trio to look over at him "shes suffering from intravenous coagulation" barry said, his tone nervous as he pushed some hair away from her face "what" felicity asked, "her blood is unnaturally clotting. it's like maple syrup" he shook his head, the beeping sounds of a machine getting louder "you can save her right?" oliver questioned as he continuously did compressions

barry let out a breath looking around the room, he ran towards a the rat poison, bringing it over to where they were standing "lucky you guys have a rat problem" barry mumbled quickly, as he began working on the antidote

"are you kidding!? that will kill her" both oliver and diggle yelled, "she will die if i don't!" barry yelled walking over to them "oliver" diggle mumbled angrily " it" ollie said, moving aside as diggle continued with the compressions,  he grabbed her hands pulling them up towards his lips "do anything- just.. just save her" oliver mumbled "just the right amount of this stuff will thin her blood enough to get it circulating again" barry mumbled pulling out a syringe, he moved closer to valentinas body injecting her vein with the poison.

valentina opened her eyes, still oblivious to the world around her while very one was running around trying to save her "let go valentina, come on sweetie, come to mom, baby" her mother's venomous voice echoed around her, "no" she whispered, knowing that her sweet words were full of shit "what did you say, you good for nothing child!?" her mother yelled "she's crashing!" someone yelled, although it sounded as more of a background noise,

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