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chapter ix .
for the long run

          the cab driver drove all the way to the train station, i jumped out of the car giving the man some money before i ran inside, i cursed quietly not seeing barry anywhere, i ran around for a few minutes ready to give up but i finally saw him leaning against a pillar i let out a sigh of relief making my way over to him.

barry held his phone in his hand as if he were questioning on what to do, he soon clicked on something and put it up to his ear then my phone began ringing, i grabbed it and barry looked up hearing the phone, he looked around before his eyes met mine, I sped walked towards him stopping in front of him, he gave me a  questioning look

"i-" i couldn't say anything "valentina what are you doing here?" he questioned in surprise putting his hands on my arms "i- i don't know, oliver just told me that i should be happy, and he wanted me to be with-" my voice began trailing off as i realized his reaction isn't at all what i expected, he hadn't said anything else and his face still held confusion and another emotion i couldn't quit decipher, my shoulders slumped remembering the girl he was talking about with felicity.

i smacked my hand against my forehead letting out a shaky sigh as i tried to hold back my tears "i, i'm sorry. i forgot about iris- i.." i got cut off by barry "what are you talking about?" he questioned, the sound of his voice made tears flood my eyes

"the girl you like, you were talking about her with felicity" i mumbled sadly a tear sliding down my face, barry's face turned into panic "no, valentina it's not like that. i used to like iris, remember i told you about her? but then i met someone else" barry said frantically, placing his hands on my shoulder, i looked at him questionably before he answered once more

"i met you" he smiled before smashing his lips against
mine into a suffocating kiss, i wrapped my arms around his neck burring my hand in his hair, he groaned softly as i tugged on it, his arms wrapping themselves around my waist tightly one of his hands slightly brushing my ass, our lips fit together smoothly, the softness of his lips was just as i imagined.

barry bit my lip softly- asking for permission, i granted as our tongues fought for dominance, barry's back pressed against the wall and we are lucky we were the only few in this side of the station.

i groaned softly "come to central city with me" barry mumbled pulling away from my lips, his thumb brushing my cheek bone, our foreheads were pressed together as we panted "come to central- barry i don't have clothes..or- or anything!" i gasped pulling away slightly

"please, just come- for me" he mumbled, pulling me in again for another kiss, this time softer than the other one as our lips molded against each other, the feeling of his warm ones against mine was enough to drive me crazy, and the way he bit my lip asking for permission makes my knees weak,
my breathing soon became heavy as we continued to kiss, barry pulled away all too soon, pulling my lip between his teeth, letting it go and placing a peck on my lips once more- at this i almost let out a moan, but kept it in as he smiled,

"okay, i'll go."

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