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chapter ii .
the scientist pt.two

          i was suddenly awoken by felicitys heels tapping against the floor, i sucked in a deep breath before sitting up, we were currently all in oliver's office, trying to figure out who stole the equipment, i sat up and rubbed my eyes letting out a yawn, i stood up and wobbled towards the trio, standing beside oliver, he glanced over at me and smiled wrapping his arm around my waist, letting me rest my head against his chest, i blocked out their conversation up until barry walked into the room

"can we help you with something, detective?" felicity and diggle turned to look at barry as he walked past the door, i straightened myself up, giddy because barry was here "oh csi's aren't actually detectives." he said stopping near the entrance, a big smile on his face "we don't even carry guns, just some plastic baggies" he chuckled, i smiled slightly a small giggle leaving my lips.

i walked up next to felicity- feeling oliver's glare against my back, i ignored it, my focus trained on barry "uh, where should i set up my equipment?" barry asked, pointing towards the rolling box that trailed behind him "i'll show you" i smiled, walking towards him, but oliver's voice stopped me, making me turn towards him with my mouth agape "what's going on?" "your assignment said that you preferred to keep the investigation in house, so i cleared it with my captain to give you a hand." barry said, my gaze shifting back towards him, i smiled glancing back at oliver with a smug-ish look, oliver nodded lightly before gripping my elbow and pulling me off towards the side, i looked over in surprise-

"what are you doing" he mumbled, sucking his teeth, annoyance plastered on his face, i looked at him, feeling my body let out a light shudder at the pressure in my arm "w-we need to find this intruder. and he seems to know more about it than any of us." i mumbled, letting out a quiet sigh as he rubbed his thumb against my arm, my submission easily taking the best of me as it made my knees weak, but I held it together, recomposing myself "forensic science isn't exactly mine and felicity's forte, so.." i shrugged, looking up at oliver before turning my gaze to barry, who was curiously looking around, a smile formed at my lips at the sight, then i turned back to oliver "i'd say we need him" i said suggestively "wouldn't you" i questioned tilting my face sideways moving closer towards him.

oliver gave me a small smile before straightening his face again, he let out a quiet sigh, "mm-hmm" he mumbled, nodding his head, i gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning to barry "ok barry, i'll be showing you around. hope you don't mind" i smiled walking towards him, barry's head snapped in my direction "no, no i don't mind at all" he said, stumbling over his words slightly, giving me one of his signature smiles, barry and i then walked out of the room as he gave oliver a nod.

barry and i walked side by side as we shuffled towards the elevator "so-" he mumbled, "so" i mumbled back, leaning against the railing of the elevator "uh, y-you and oliver close?" he questioned, his face turning beat red, i laughed "of course. he's my best friend, we grew up together" i smiled at the fond memories, nodding my head "yeah, i can relate" he mumbled, leaning against the elevator walls, i turned towards him with a questioning look, barry quickly turned to look at me with his hands raised in front of him "no, not with oliver" he said quickly, causing me to chuckle as he leaned back against the wall, a smile forming at his lips as he explained "my best friend, iris. We grew up together, i lived with them—her and her father—for more than half my childhood. we became really close throughout the years." he continued smiling, his eyes sparkling at the thought of his best friend, i quickly shifted my gaze towards the ground, the feeling of jealousy returning again, although i didn't know why.

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