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chapter v .
the scientist pt.five

          "they found trace amounts of ketamine in the thief's blood." felicity said as we walked into the cave where oliver and diggle were, "it's a common surgical anesthetic deprived from hydrochloric salt." she said, placing her bag on the table as i sat on a random chair "can you use that to track him?" oliver asked as he glanced at me, seeing me sulking "with the current concentration ration in the blood sample, there's only one possible location with large enough quality of the sedative that correlates with the amount of blood the stolen centrifuge can process." she says all in one breath as she types quickly in the computer, oliver and diggle beside her "what is it? there's no sign." diggle questioned as a warehouse was showed in the screen, "a.r.g.u.s. doesn't like to advertise" felicity shrugged, diggle nodding in understanding, glancing back at oliver

"it's a disaster bunker. right on the edge of the glades. a.r.g.u.s. has them all over the country. they store relief supplies- food, clothing.." "medicine" diggle cut her off, "we're on our way" oliver said as i stood up,  both of us walking over to our bows

"oliver, valentina.. i can't believe i'm actually saying this." felicity said as she stood from her seat moving over to where oliver and i were standing, bloodied arrow in hand "the way this arrowhead is bent.. it means out thief's muscle density is at least 120 pounds per cubic foot- thats almost the same density as common concrete. your guys arrows may cut this guy but they will not stop him." she said glancing at both of us in concern

"well i've beat someone like this before, felicity. i can do it again" oliver said with a nod "what if we can't" i asked oliver, he glanced over at me, staring at me intently, his eyes glancing down at my lips but before he could speak Diggle spoke "oliver, valentina" he said moving away from the computer- and there in the screen was one of roy's arrows in a wooden poll, oliver let out a sigh before we both got ready for the mission.

after oliver talked- and shot an arrow at roy we went over to the warehouse, entering the giant room i was greeted with a weird smell, something like chemicals.

oliver and walked slowly down the room before suddenly a random box was thrown, missing us by inches, me and oliver quickly took out our bows, shooting at the place where it used to be, we moved closer and the man quickly ran jumping on the compartments and finally in front of us.

he swung at oliver first who quickly dodged it and shot an arrow, the arrow hit him in the neck a wire forming out of it, making him trapped onto a metal bar "who are you?" oliver questioned "merely a follower" the man said "of who!" i yelled "my brother" the man with the mask said "did he give you the mirakuru?" oliver asked agitated, "did he inject you with it!?" he yelled "no. he saved me with it" the man said before ripping off the wire and moving towards me, "shit!" i yelled before shooting two arrows at his feet, catching one on each

the man growled before trying to punch me, i dodged two times and punched him in the stomach as oliver fought beside me punching him with his bow in the head i grabbed his shoulder before both of us punched him with our bows on either sides of his body, as i landed one punch on him oliver threw the next but the man placed his arm instead and i punched him for oliver, the man then punched oliver on the arm, almost breaking it before grabbing my hair and smashing my head against the floor,

oliver and i let out our groans before the man pulled out the arrows from his feet , oliver recovered quicker and began punching him repeatedly, i sighed heavily before lifting myself up as he got punched away, i fought the man for a bit before he also punched me in the stomach throwing me to where oliver was, he walked over to us and kicked oliver all the way up to the ceiling then proceeded to punch me in the gut- throwing me against some containers, oliver lifted himself up, punching and kicking the guy, he landed a few good kicks before the man threw oliver beside me, who groaned on the impact,

my breath suddenly became ragged as i started loosing it, i glanced down at myself only to see a bunch tubes with needles jabbed inside my leg, i began to cough violently, not getting enough air in my lungs, my throat beginning to close up, oliver suddenly woke up, he turned to look at me before scrambling up "hey, hey, you're gonna be fine" he mumbled, feeling drowsy as well, he looked down to his stomach only to see one similar looking tube that was stabbed in him, although his looked like an anesthetic, as he went to pull it out but he collapsed next to me, oliver's breath becoming softer as he fell into a coma- mine coming off ragged as i began loosing my breath, fading off into the darkness.

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