2 ∆ Declaration of war

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Bill, Dipper, Mable, and Bill's least favorite person, walk around the mall. Mable stops everywhere! Dipper can't walk ten centimeters away from Bill. And Tad is staring creepily at Dipper.



By the time they're done it's 7. Dipper says bye and goes home with Mable. Bill and Tad are left.... ALONE.

"Strange" Bill hisses with gritted teeth.  "Cipher" Tad responds with just as much shade. They stare each other down for a bit. "You like Dipper don't you?" Tad asks, catching Bill off guard. He blushes bright red, "Ya! So what?". Tad laughs a bit, "that's a shame... I really hoped we wouldn't have to do this agian". Bill stops, a memory flashes back.


At the time, his mother and father were still together. He liked a guy to be honest. The guys name was, Blue. (random name I thought sounded nice) But, Tad also liked Blue. So they made a bet, they would ask Blue out on the same day. And whoever Blue choose got to date him. When they went to ask him, Bill didn't think much of it. He knew Blue didn't like big things so he didn't much. But Tad bought lots of things and dressed in a suit. So when they asked, Blue picked Tad.

Bill felt crushed and empty. He wacthed as his crush went off with, who used to be his best friend.


"I won't let it happen again!" Bill snaps. Tad looks at Bill. "I can't let it happen again" Bill whispers to himself. "Alrighty then! How about this! We each ask him out to prom this year, the reward is his love?" Tad asked. This lit a fuse in Bill, a fuse to avenge himself and prove himself to his Pine Tree. "DEAL!" Bill declares. Tad smiled and walked off. Leaving Bill with his thoughts.


Bill open the door to his home. He wipes the tears from his eyes. Sniffles one last time, and walks in. His mother sits at the kicthen table, stuffing her face with cookies.

Her Blonde hair in a messy bun, she had on sweat pants and a band t-shirt, but they most beautiful thing were her eyes. Her eyes were a striking blue.

She turns to see her son standing in the doorway. "This isn't what it looks like" she makes out through a mouthful of cookies. Bill laughs and walks over to the fridge. He grabs the gallon of milk and chugs some straight from the carton. "You were raised well" his mom says. "Taught from Feb best" Bill says as he puts the carton back.

"What's on your mind, Bill?" She asks, knowing something's up. Bill sighs and doesn't even ask how she knows, "Me and Tad made another bet today". His mother shakes her head. "This time it's Pine Tree, and we're asking him to prom" he continues, a few tears breach his eyes. But he doesn't let them fall.

"Honey, I know that your scared. Who wouldn't be? You have a chance at losing a friend you've had for years! But! I know you. Your a funny, obsessive, loving, and emotional person. I know you feel you need to do this, and you feel this is your only chance to confess to Dipper. But you can get more chances, and you don't have to do this. Blue hurt you enough, and I know Dipper would hurt you more. So, if you feel like you don't have the heart to do this then don't. It's your choice. Tad can't stop you"

His mother's eyes glowed with a sympathetic aura. Bill let's his tears fall, "is that a challenge?". His mom smiles, "I don't need a son in law". He smiles back, "I'll get you one! I'll get you the best one ever!".

She nods,

"Now, go get him!"

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