EXCUSE ME!?! ∆ 8

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I didn't have a good head image, and i like this. 

Bill's mother looks at him and smiles. Bill walks over to her and slams his hands on the couch, "where". His mother points to the kitchen, he walks that way. Inside sits a large German Shepard, Bill instantly pets it. "Oh Hello!! So fluffy!!!" he coos the dog wags it's tail and licks his face. Bill notices it's collar, he grabs the tag and reads, "Jake". The tag also has his phone number on it, "We're keeping him!?!" Bill squeals. Bill's mother laughs and walks in, "I found him on the street, got him micro-chipped, got his shots, and got him a tag. So yes, we're keeping him" "How'd you do that all in one day?" "I found him yesterday but kept him a secret till today". Bill rolls his eyes and pets the dog more. Bill's mother goes to pet Jake, he snaps at her, "He doesn't like strangers though! How come he likes you!!". Bill looks on the kitchen counter and gets an idea. "I'm gonna barrow Jake for a bit".

Bill holds on for dear life to the leash. The dog growls at everyone passing and pulls on the leash with brute strength. Bill tugs and turns the dog towards their destination. 

Bill finally manages to get onto the porch. He rings the door bell, he hears crashing inside. "Ok Jake, I need you to be super quiet!" Bill instructs the dog. Jake just lays down on Bill's foot. The door finally opens to a sleep deprived Ford, he looks at Bill and closes the door, "Dipper! You've got someone who wants you!" Bill hears through the wall. 

The door opens to Dipper, Bill waves, "hay Pine Tree" "Bill it's only been an hour!" "I know but I wanted to see you again~" "No you didn't! What do you need?!" "RUDE! Also, I got a dog Bill finishes casually. Dipper looks at the dog on Bill's foot, "AWW!!!" "Careful he-". Before Bill could finish Dipper was giving Jake Belly rubs, "who's a good boy? You are!".

Bill, Dipper, and Jake sit on the lawn. Not doing much, just sittin. "Thanks for letting me see this adorable little muffin!!" Dipper says as he messes with Jake's ears. The dog barks and launches up, force Bill to stand or drop the, he stands. Dipper laughs and stands as well. Jake runs circles around the two until they're trapped in a leash prison, with they're noses touching. Both's faces light on fire, Bill lets go of the leash and the prison breaks. "S-Sorry" He stutters, Dipper just nods. Still blushing Bill picks the leash back up, "well I guess that's my cue to leave, SEE YA PINE TREE!!" Bill yells as he runs down the side walk. "bye" Dipper says softly. He turns back to teh porch to see Mable, Ford, Stan, and Waddles all staring at him. "Just date already" Stan says as he walks inside. "GRUNCKLE STAN!!" Dipper whines as he follows him.

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