3 ∆ Shopping cart madness

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The next day~

Bill looks around his room. Then his gaze drifts to his clock. It's noon. He wanders downstairs to find his mother already dressed. "Invite over 3 friends. One has to be Dipper! invite them to stay the night, and you guys can explore all day! Maybe this will help" his mother suggests. He nods and pulls out his phone.

The doorbell rings. His mother looks at him and sprints towards the door. "MOTHER!" he calls as she beats him to the door. She opens it with a smile, "Hello darlings!~". A brunette walks through the door followed by a second. "Hi Bill" "Hello!" They both greet him. He smiles and then starts scolding his mother. The twins roll their eyes and drop their stuff off in the living room. The family stops arguing and the doorbell rings again. This time Bill open the door. A pale blonde stands there. "Hay Pacifica!" All three teens cheer. She giggles and follows what the twins did before her. Bill's mother goes off to her bedroom. The teens stood around for a bit. "Want to go do stupid things" Bill suggests. "YA!!" they all cheer. 


8 hours later, the sun has set. They're wandering around with their phones flashlights. They come upon an empty Walmart parking lot. "Let's race carts!" Bill suggests. Everyone but Dipper agrees to the idea. Dipper slowly nods his head, a bit scared. "Boys against Girls?" Pacifica continues. Bill and Mable race to get carts. Bill runs over to Dipper and plops him in the cart. "stay Pine Tree!" he says as he runs to the other side of the lot. HE grabs something out of the backpack he wears. "SpRaY pAiNt!?" Dipper screeches. "Chill Pine Tree" Bill assures him. He grumbles and sets down again. Bill sprays a line with the paint and bolts back. Mable sets in her chariot. Bill and Pacifica grab the handles. "1....2.... 3.... GO!" yells Bill. They run off and Bill is basically creating a dust trial. He hops on the cart and they rush past their competition. All the while Dipper realizes this is fine. He yells with great joy, "WOOOOO!!". Bill smiles at his crush's antics. They pass the line quickly. "AGAIN" Bill and Dipper chant as the girls finally get there.

They play this game many times. Bill and Dipper always win.

But the fun is stopped by flashing blue and red lights.

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