in and out of the closet ∆ 6

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Bill sets in the closet across from Dipper. They stare at each other awkwardly. Dipper grabs an old shoe box and opens it. "Uno?" He asks as he holds up the card game, "sure why not".

They play a round, Bill thinks he's winning. He has a red 4 and a blue 3. Dipper has 3 +4 though. Bill laughs evilly as he places down the 4, "UNO!". "HELL NO" Dipper responds as he places down one +4 . Bill groans and grabs the cards, "what color?" "yellow". Bill places a card, Dipper makes him draw again, "yellow". This goes on till Dipper finally wins. Bill groans as Dipper shouts in victory, "in your face Cipher!!". 

They talk for awhile, then a subject comes up...

Dipper messes on his phone and Bill sets there awkwardly. "I'm gay" he says finally, Dipper continues messing on his phone. "I'm a dude" Dipper says, Bill looks at him confused "why would you say that" "sorry I thought we were sharing things that we have in common". Bill looks shocked for a moment, then he bursts out laughing. "that was good!!" He says between laughs, "I try". 

Bill and Dipper talk for about an hour until Bill realizes he needs to go home. He opens the closet door, and slowly they emerge. They walk downstairs and Bill opens the door. "see ya tomorrow, Pine Tree!" "bye Bill". Bill closes the door and starts walking. He thinks about what he just did and feels a weight lift off  his shoulder. 

He bursts through the door. "MOM!!! MOM!!! GUESS WHAT I JUST DID!!" He yells through the house. He hears stomping coming from the stairs, his mother then appears in front of him. "what did you do~" she chants. "I cam out to Dipper!" he announces proudly. His mother smiles brightly, "That's great! How'd he react?". Bill beams, " he said *clears throat* 'I'm a dude'. OS i asked why he said that and he said 'sorry I thought we were sharing things we had in common'!!!!". He and his mom fangirl screech. "THIS IS GREAT" she chants as she bear hugs her son. He laughs and embraces her. 


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