sabotage! ∆ 5

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Bill awakens to find himself in a very comfortable position. He sighs and snuggles in closer to the pillow he's holding. The pillow is warm and soft. Bill smiles and pulls it close. But the nice warm feeling is stopped when the pillow groans. Bill finally opens his eyes, just pine tree. WAIT?!?! PINE TREE?!?!?! His mind screams, he doesn't know what to do so he just has an internal gay panic. Dipper opens his eyes a bit, "morning Bill.... WAIT!?!?". Dipper jumps off Bill, Bill does likewise. "I' M SO SORRY" they both apologize at the same. They both then start to laugh. Mable and Pacifica come into the room giggling. "Sleep well~" Mable teases. Both the boy's faces are lit a flame. 

"Well, we better get ready for school! See ya Bill!" Dipper says as he make shis way out the door with the girls. Bill waves and goes to get himself ready.

He comes downstairs, "you told them". His mother looks at him with a guilty smile, "Nooooo". Bill rolls his eyes and starts walking to school.

~AFTER SCHOOL (cause I don't want to write about school)~

Bill runs after Dipper. "PINE TREE WAIT UP" He calls. Dipper looks at him with a cute apologetic smile, Bill stops dead in his tracks and turns bright red. "Bill? Are you ok?" Dipper asks, Bill just mumbles yes and nods. 

They walk and talk, not really caring where Mable might be. Knowing she's probably at Pacifica's house seeing as the two are inseparable. "It's almost the end of the year" Dipper randomly says. Bill nods, "almost done with high school... almost done with high school" Bill replied sadly. Dipper nods, "what you planing on majoring in?" Dipper asks, Bill thinks for a second. "Humm...  I haven't actually thought about that" he responds. Dipper laughs, "Hummm, I think you would make a good barkeep!" Dipper announces as he snaps his fingers, "why do you say that?" "cause whenever your over at my place and Stan asks for a drink. You make him one" "huh didn't think about that! I LIKE IT!! Anyway, what are you gonna do?". Dipper laughs, "That's easy! I'm going into Cryptozoology!!". 

Bill laughs as they step onto the porch of the Pine's family. They enter to find Paciica and Mable on the couch. "Homework" they both say in unison as Mable takes whip cream and pours it in her mouth. "Nice shooting star" Bill approves, Dipper laughs. Stan comes down the stairs, "BILL!! YES!! TO THE KITCHEN BOY!!! MAKE MY COCKTAIL!" He demands, Bill nods and goes to do as told. "BILL!! Can I have a milkshake?" Mable asks/ yells.


"So, since Pacifica left. And it's just you and me in this house at the moment.... You wanna play truth or dare?" Dipper asks. The door suddenly slams open, two teenage girls stand there. "I though you left Pacifica?!" the boys screech. "you two, I dare you, to sit in the closet for half an hour" Mable says with a evil gleam in her eyes. "uhhhh can I take a dare instead?" Bill asks while he blushes a bright red. "Who's your crush?" Pacifica asks. Bill scoots quickly out of the room and drags Dipper with him. "Sabotage" Pacifica and Mable say in harmony once the boys locked themselves in the closet.

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