Reassurance ∆ 16

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Dipper stands very close to Bill and keeps looking around nervously. Bill notices this and looks at Dipper with worried eyes, "You alright Pine Tree?" "Uhhhhh..... no" Dipper replies shakily. Bill nods and looks for an exit.

They close the gym door and head to the car to talk. Bill holds his Pine tree's hands and looks at the brunette, "What's wrong?". Dipper looks to the side once more, "I feel so strange, being the only guy coming here with another guy as his date.... and showing up in a dress". Bill gives him a soft reassuring smile, "I can fix one of those problems, cause I don't plan on leaving you". Bill lets go of Dipper's hands and walks to the trunk of the car, in there lays a bag. Bill gives Dipper the bag. Dipper looks in it and instantly starts giggling. Bill smile turns wide, "what'ca think?~". Dipper laughs and nods his head cause he can't get words out. 

Bill opens the door in the most dramatic way possible, Dipper holding his hand. Bill struts to the men's bathroom, Dipper at his heels. Mable and Pacifica quickly go over to see what the commotion is about. Dipper just giggles madly in response to their questions. 

They eventually reach the bathroom, Bill goes in and everyone else waits outside. "What's going on?" Mable asks, Dipper laughs again. "you'll see", as Dipper says that Bill opens the bathroom door and barges out. He had a strange outfit on... No one could even begin to describe it. Bill went up and pecked Dipper on his cheek, "What's our opinion~". Dipper nuzzled into his touch, "absolutely stunning~". Bill perked up, "REALLY?! I thought I kinda looked like a slut?!?!". Dipper laughs, "Maybe a little~ But you look adorable". 

Bill couldn't help himself, he grabbed Dipper's wrist and kissed his lips. Dipper was shocked, Mable was squealing, Pacifica was recording it. Dipper's and Bill's minds eventually faded, nothing else mattered but the one holding them. 

They finally pulled apart and were forcefully brought back to earth when Mable tackled her brother. "NO FAIR!! YOU GOT YOUR FIRST KISS BEFORE MEEE!!!! AND YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!" She yelled at him, everyone just laughed. 

As the night went Dipper and Bill danced, laughed, ate, and kissed some more. Some people took pictures of them, mostly Bill's outfit. The pictures spread quickly, confirming to everyone that they were dating. Dipper didn't mind, Bill didn't either. 

Nothing else matter than the hand that was holding their's,

Nothing had ever felt that right, nothing had felt that natural, like it was meant to be there. 

Bill looked at his date, thinking of the past events. How easy it would have bee to just ask Dipper, how it would have saved him so much strain. He smiled softly, "I love you, so much". Dipper looks at him with curious eyes, "of course I feel the same, but what brought this up slutty prince~". Bill laughed a bit, 

"Just felt the need to say it to your face, instead of just in my head".


Bill's new outfit

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Bill's new outfit

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