How It All Started (Prologue)

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Your Pov:

My name is (Y/n), and I always wanted to be a legendary hero, like the heroes that people have been telling stories about during my childhood. So I decided that today is the day I will journey to be one too! I'm 16 now, so practically at the right age to be one.

My parents always supported me with my dream, as my father taught me on how to fight when things get out of hand, how to battle others with weapons, and many more. He always wanted a child that would follow the footsteps of being a legendary hero, and finally, his wish was becoming a reality. He gave me a (Woc) for my 10th birthday, and everyday I would always bring it long with me wherever I go.

My mother on the other hand was as supportive as my father. But she would still lecture me that I should still be careful about fighting, and only use it for defense and for justice. I already knew that since I am gonna be a hero someday! I can feel it! She bought me a some hero clothes, which were (2nd/f/c). I wanted it to be (F/c), but I don't mind. I still love it and would wear it everyday too.

But the other people in my village were not like my parents. They would judge me at the time, because the wouldn't believe that I could be a legend. They say that I'm too young, or because I'm a female, or that I'm not good enough and would NEVER be one. Ever since then, I promised myself that I would be one, and I knew my parents would be proud of me, and the people who doubted me would feel guilty of their previous actions towards me.

Currently I am now out of my own village and went to various places, to be challenged and be claimed as a hero. But yes, I am facing adventure while I went on my way to different places, but I am not yet claimed as a hero yet. But SOON! I know that I will be one soon enough. But I always wanted something when I travel...

A partner.

I sometimes feel lonely when I head on to face whatever my journey gives me, but I do feel happy being in my journey, but I feel that I need some company with me. Someone to fight along my side, and be claimed as a duo. Someone who is brave and strong, like me. But to this day I couldnt find that one person who I am describing.

But one day, I entered a town that seem to have a fair amount of people, with shops and markets. My (e/c) eyes found a black cat with a green cape, that was accompanied with a dog, a Shiba Inu to be exact, wandering around various shops, looking at certain things, but I think they were looking for something in particular.

I decided to build up the courage to walk up to them, while he were staring at a poster that was placed on the window of the shop that had a picture of a cool looking bike on it. "Hi there!" I chimed, the black cat jumped from my sudden appearance. He was too focused at the cool bike, he didn't see me coming his way.

"Oh! Uhh... Sorry about that, I didnt know someone else was here." He said while scratching the back part of his head in embarrassment, while his dog barked at me, happily. I giggled from his sentence. "Nah its cool, Also what's up with the poster you were staring at?" I asked him, pointing at the window poster of the shop.

The male cat's eyes widen, as he realized that he was looking at the picture for so long, that he said; "Oh you mean the Aerocyle? I always wanted one since I traveled to a lot of places to search for it." He explained. "And I finally saved enough money to go and buy it, with some cash and juwels we found during our way here!" He smiled as he showed me a ton of valuable items and money in a brown bag he carried.

"Thats pretty cool to hear! By the way, names (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." I introduced myself to him with a smile on my face. "Pretty name! And I'm Mao Mao, this is Bao Bao." He said, referring to the dog as Bao Bao. I felt heat radiating my cheeks as Mao compliments about my name. "I'll just be right back to get the bike, accompany Bao Bao, will you?" He asked as he gestured his dog to me, and pointed to the entrance of the shop. I nodded in agreement, "You can count on me!" Mao Mao smiles at me and entered the shop to buy the Aerocycle, leaving me and Bao Bao, who he barked at me and licked my cheek in joy of meeting a new friend.

Minutes later, Mao came back with a beautiful and a very cool looking green Aerocycle, with a proud and happy looking face as he exits the shop.

"Wow..." I said with my jaw hanging, and Bao Bao howling in excitement. "Wow is right, (Y/n)! I finally have my very own Aerocycle!" Mao Mao cheered as he got on the bike and started it up, with his dog campanion climbing along with him on the seat.

"(Y/n), care to tag along with us in adventuring?" He asked with a smirk. My eyes widen with stars in them. If that was possible, as I nodded and got on behind him with Bao Bao behind me, barking. Helmets began to form on our heads as we flew off, I hugged Mao Mao's waist to keep myself from falling, while his green cape flew with the wind as we flew into new adventure. But I didn't notice his slightly magenta cheeks when I wrapped my arms around him, with a smile on his face, but kept on driving.

This is only the beginning of our story...

(Hey! What did ya all think of the first chapter? I think I improved my writing skills, idk... The next chapter will be years later and we finally see Badgerclops, and Mao Mao's clothing will be change to his iconic red scheme instead of green. The next chapter will be something like the first episode, but with you all included. I hope ya all liked it! And I'll see you in the next chapter-)

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