A Perfect Adventure

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(Episode 2 of the show! And I am more familiar with this episode since I recently watched it yesterday so yeah. And I watched it a couple of times from Spooky Loves Boba (The video at top) so yeah-)

Still Your POV:
Me, Adorabat and Badgerclops were just chilling by a shop near in the kingdom, as we ate some lunch. We all bought a home, not that far from the village so that we can just ride the Aerocycle to get to the kingdom and save the town.

"Someday, I'm gonna be an adventurer just like him and (Y/n)!" Adorabat cheered, showing me and Badgerclops a drawing she made of what seems to be her in a cape and a sword, with me and Mao Mao being proud of her. "Someday, I know you will!" I encouraged her. "She's right bro, just gotta wait for the right age." The badger said while eating his cake.

As the three of us were eating some cake, Mao Mao was not far away, solving the problem Pinky and Chubums had about sharing a ball. I looked at him and giggle at he tried to keep his temper down, while lecturing both of them of taking turns, playing with the ball. Which the two sweety pies agreed to, like the kids they are. Wait... Are they actually kids?...

"Great job sheriff! You're my hero!" Adorabat cheered. "It may only be a simple problem, but still, nice work Mao." I said with a smile and thumbs up, while Badgerclops nodded, eating another slice of cake.

We all stood up and patrol the village for any danger when Mao Mao spoke; "Y'know when I agreed to become sheriff of Pure Heart Valley, I wanted to protect this kingdom from danger, Not BABYSIT." He said, gesturing his hands to Pinky and Chubums playing with the ball. "But dude, we have these crazy adventures almost EVERYDAY." Badgerclops reminded him, as I remembered all those cool fights that we had the past few weeks.
"Yeah, Badgerclops is right Mao, tiring, but REALLY fun!" I said, with Adorabat flying beside me.

"Yeah they were pretty cool, eh?" Mao Mao rubbed his chin, remembering those times too. "But a TRUE adventure has FOUR key elements." This made Adorabat gasp and grips his cape. "TELL ME!" She yelled at his face.

He began listing the key elements of this so called "Perfect Adventure".

"FIRST is mystery, SECOND is high stakes, THIRD extreme danger, and finally, a big FAT reward!" He listed the things that need to occur in an adventure to make it perfect, which made Adorabat gasp in joy. I only shrugged, "We have extreme danger at time when we battle danger, we have high stakes to it. I dont see the difference with our adventuring everyday." I comment, shrugging my shoulders, which made Mao look at me with a glare.

"Dude, why not relax for a day? Take a day off after all the things we do." Badgerclops suggested, to where Mao Mao hesitated, but huffed in disappointment, because our times weren't the time he expected when saving the kingdom.

"I-... I dunno guys, maybe you're right. Maybe my adventuring times is..." He sighed then continued, "Over." This made Adorabat gasp and scream for a long time. Badgerclops doesn't seem to mind the noise, but I was stood there with my face scrunched up and cringed at her scream. It soon died down to where Adorabat was in deep thought to try and come up with the perfect adventure ever. I agreed with Adorabat to plan this "Perfect adventure" for Mao Mao, since I wanna do anything for him with all my heart.

The two of us then remembered the key elements for it. First was, mystery.

"THERE IS A MYSTERY!" Adorabat yelled, catching the two males' attention to us. "What? Where?!" Mao questioned with his guard up and his sword in his hands. A delivery van drove pass us throwing (yeeting) a sack toward us with something inside it. "It has to do with uhh... That delivery van too!" I said with my best acting skills involved. "Delivery?..." Mao asked himself then opens the sack to reveal apples in them. "It just apples (Y/n)..." He said with a dumbfound face.

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