Chapter 1

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Dallon's POV:

I want to be someone else. I don't know why. It's not like my life is terrible. It's pretty satisfactory. I have sweet parents. They're both supportive, especially of my sexuality. I don't get bullied or anything. I've never been suspended or sent to detention. I'm pretty sure I'm an excellent kid. I think that's the problem. I want to be the opposite; paint a different version of myself. However, it's not that easy. That's why I haven't done it. Maybe one day, but for now, I'm still Dallon, just plain Dallon.
"Are you seriously still on that? You're a great person! I love you for who you are. You're like a little lemon drop." Breezy gushed.
I sighed, looking at my girlfriend with tired eyes. I gave her a sweet smile, "Thanks, Breeze, but imagine if I were just edgier?"
Breezy cracked a grin,

"Edgier? You've got to be kidding me," she exhaled with a laugh,

"Dall push that out of your head. You're perfect. One hundred thousand bazillion percent perfect." I smiled at her. A big genuine smile this time,

"You're kinda the best you know that?" She smirked,

"Obviously. That's why you're dating me!" I laughed at her; what she said was a little funny, Breezy was my rock, my wonderful girlfriend of 3 years. We got together at the end of Freshman year. It was now the beginning of my senior year, and we were still going strong. Every time I looked at her, an overwhelming feeling came over me, telling me she was the girl for me. That was until he showed up like something I couldn't describe. The first bell was about to ring for my first period, and I was finishing up getting all my books from my locker when weirdly, a strange boy walked up, right to the locker that happened to be right next to mine. I was perplexed at first because hardly anyone used their lockers at Hacher. Breezy looked over me and glared at him when she realized I was staring. She gave me a little jab on the side, silently demanding that I stopped staring, but I couldn't. The boy looked over slowly and gave me a sly smile. He was the epitome of what I saw myself in my head. He was wearing black denim jeans and an old black band shirt. One I'd never heard of before. And a typical red flannel. His outfit seemed slightly mismatched, but it was cute. He gave me a lookup and down then closed his locker. Before walking off, he muttered something lowly,

"you're cute."

I looked down sheepishly before turning my attention back to Breezy, who had a sour look on her face.

"I don't like him." She grumbled, shifting her eyes to the left, looking down at the locker locks.
I gave her a suspicious look after she said that, I thought this mysterious boy was interesting. He seemed chill and sweet. The comment hung tightly on the edge of my brain. Did he think I was cute or was he just messing with me? Or he could've been talking about Breezy she is adorable. I sighed, feeling overwhelmed by all the thoughts.

"I thought he was pretty cool..." I answered Breezy after a small pause. She looked at me kind of crookedly.

"He called you cute... you have a girlfriend already, so he needs to back off." Breezy huffed.
I began to respond before she cut me off, "I guess it doesn't matter cause you don't swing that way anyways."
I looked at her with a weak smile and shook my head in agreement. Breezy didn't know I was bisexual, but that didn't matter anyway. I was with her, and no one was going to change that, right?
Um so haha heyyyy yeah I haven't written fan fiction in a while, and I've never done Brallon, so I hope y'all enjoyed :)))))))) Please let me know how you felt.


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