Chapter 5

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Yesterday was a lot. I said it was going to be. Brendon almost wrecked my relationship! Breezy was furious the whole day. I thought she was going to break up with me in all honesty. When I got home from school yesterday, Brendon blew my phone up with messages. I ignored every single one. Texting was exhausting. ESPECIALLY texting him. My mom busied herself with her art. She paid me no attention when I walked through the doors. A normal afternoon in the Weekes household. I threw myself on to my bed and fell asleep. Exhaustion finally taking over...


I opened my eyes stretching my arms. It was 4 o'clock in the morning... I rested myself up with my elbows and grabbed my stomach. I skipped dinner. I slept all of yesterday away! I grabbed my phone and looked through the multitude of messages. I had a recent one.

Brendon: Can we talk? Please.

                                                     Delivered at 4:02
I sighed. I had over 20 messages left unread. I didn't want to text. This was going to be something we talked about in person. I don't even know what I would say... The last time I tried to stand up to Brendon he kissed me. Guilt rushed over my body thinking about it. Not because he kissed me but, because I enjoyed it. My phone vibrated and it was a text from Breezy. The blood from my face rushed out. I felt my face grow cold.

Breezy: We need to talk...
                                                   Delivered at 4:15

I shivered under my comforter. Breezy wanted to talk. So did Brendon! Oh no. My fears all came back. Was Breezy going to break up with me? I hope not... I don't want to lose her. A little thought at the back of my head pushed its way through, "It would be good to get rid of her now... I could try and pursue something with Brendon." I gasped out loud. That did not just pop into my head. It did. Oh gosh. My stomach started to grumble and I realized my nerves were starting to catch up with my empty stomach. I went downstairs and grabbed an apple. This would tide me over for a while. Time trickled by slowly for the first time this week and I was growing more and more anxious by the minute. I need it to be 6:00!!


Right, when the clock hit 6 I was out. I almost forgot to close my front door. I started speed walking down the normal path to school. My heart started to race the closer and closer I got. Breezy wouldn't be there for a while but Brendon might be... The thought of Brendon made my cheeks grow pink. I was nervous to talk to him. Maybe even more nervous than I was with Breezy. What he did yesterday was wrong. He basically told my girlfriend to screw off. I shook my head trying to keep an open mind. Maybe he would be mature about this. When I walked in my eyes immediately went towards my locker. My eyes widened when I realized both Brendon and Breezy were there. Breezy had her head down focused on her phone. Brendon was looking around while keeping his head down slightly. Was he looking for me? Our eyes met and a sheepish smile grew on his face. Breezy looked up from her phone and eyed him before directing her attention to where Brendon was looking. I moved my eyes towards her and at that moment she started moving closer to me. She extended her arms and hugged me tightly. Brendon looked up even more and tried to keep in a laugh. His face grew contorted and he turned towards his locker so he wouldn't slip. Breezy let out an overdramatic sigh and tipped her head up at me.

"Oh, Dallon! I missed you so much. I hate when we fight." She let out with a sad smile. She started drawing little circles onto my chest. The fabric from the shirt bunching around as she did.

I gave her a small chuckle and took her hand leading her to the lockers. She gave Brendon a little hmph as we walked back. Brendon lifted his head and lifted his hand up in an attempt to mimic her. Breezy couldn't see it but I could. I gave him a little nod and he stopped. Rolling his eyes in the process.

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