Chapter 11

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Dallon's POV:

Today's the day... I'm nervous. I don't really know why? I was feeling pumped up last night but now I'm worried. I know I said I didn't care if Brendon left Ryan for me or not but, I really do care... I'm afraid of being alone. I've been dating Breezy for so long that it would be weird not having someone there. I don't expect for Brendon and I to just get together automatically but I want to know that there's something there. I need to get going. It's almost time to go and there's no need to prolong it. I didn't get any sleep last night and I feel awful right now.


When I got to the school Breezy wasn't standing at the lockers yet. I basically ran to school because I was so anxious. Usually I would just stand there and wait looking down at my phone occasionally but today I don't have the energy. The floor is cold my the lockers are even colder. Maybe the air conditioning is finally fixed. It feels colder than usual and it's a nice change. I put my head and stared at my phone blankly. I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped. I hope it's not Breezy. She's too early. She's not supposed to be here for another 10 minutes. I looked up slowly and saw an unfamiliar face. The face was soft and nice. It was a guy. He had this neon green hair but it suited him nicely. I nodded my head at him to acknowledge his presence.

"Hey, I saw you looked kinda sad are you ok?" He asked me with a sympathetic look.

I gave him a weak smile and nodded my head, "I'll be fine. I just have to do something today that's kinda hard..." I responded.

He nodded his head in understanding, "I get that. If you don't mind me asking, what do you have to do?" He questioned.

I rubbed my eyes from tiredness and spoke, "Well I'm breaking up with my girlfriend today for this guy I really like. I don't even know if the guy will ever get together with me though. I've done him really wrong."

The guy sat down next to me and patted my shoulder, "I've been in a similar position before. I had to break up with my boyfriend before moving here. We didn't want to have the strain of long distance because we love each other. But if it's meant to be it's meant to be. The decisions we make are for a reason. If you feel like you need to break up with your girl then do it. That guy may never date you but you know deep in your heart you're doing the right thing." He took a breath before continuing, "I have hope in my heart me and my ex will get back together. I think he's my soulmate. But even if we don't, he's my best friend. So whatever happens just know it's for the best." He finished giving me a smile.

I was kind of speechless from what he had just said. I mean he kind of just spilled out part of his life story to me and I don't even know his name. "Thank you for that. Really, that helped a lot. What's your name by the way? I don't think I've ever seen you around."

He propped him self up getting ready to stand, "It was no problem. I'm happy I could help. My names Awsten though. I've got to get going but it was really nice talking to you, Dallon." He stood up and walked off giving me a wave.

How did he know my name? I swear I've never seen him. He said when he moved here in his speech. He must be new... The words that Awsten said replayed in my mind. He broke up with someone he loved because he knew it was right. I know our situations aren't the same but it makes sense. I love Breezy but I care about Brendon. I can't lead her on like this. The confidence in my body shot up dramatically. I think I'm ready to end things. Five minutes passed and Breezy finally walked in. She gave me a questioning look walking up.

"Hey Dal, why are you on the ground?" She asked reaching her hand out to help me up.

I shook my head, "No reason I was just thinking and stuff." I said.

She nodded her head and leaned into me, "So what's up? Anything new?" She asked smiling against me.

Only a few weeks ago I wouldn't have been able to do this. Only a few weeks ago I wanted to change myself because I didn't feel confident. It's crazy to think a new kid could come in change that just by giving a stupid look and saying something under his breath. I drew in a deep breath and stood up straight causing Breezy to stumble off me.

"Are you ok Dal..?" She asked suspiciously.

I blew out the breath and began to start the process, "Breezy, I love you a lot but I can't keep leading you on like this. I've developed feelings for someone I never thought I would've. I don't know why? Maybe it's because he made me realize something about myself or maybe it's just because I'm a little more gay then I am straight..." I paused for a second letting Breezy father her thoughts. Her eyes widened when she heard me say Gay. "I know I should've said something the moment I found out, I can see the look on your face. Yeah I'm Bisexual that's not the point of this conversation but it's something you deserve to know. What I'm trying to say is, I'm breaking up with you. I know this is the best decision for us. It might hurt for a while but it's for the best." I finished letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

She gave me this sad look but sighed, "Honestly, I knew this was coming. The day Brendon came I knew our time was due. You looked at him with an intrigued look and it shook me the wrong way. For a while I thought maybe he just looks up to him but I saw the look in your eyes every time his name was brought up. I know I wasn't perfect and I could've done more. But I turned back to Ryan and he was a douche like he was the first time. I love you too Dal and I don't have any hard feelings. I just wish you would've told me you were Bi sooner." She gave me a little smile at the end and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Breeze. I know I should've said something the moment I found out but I was scared you'd break up with me." I said hugging her back.

She broke away from the hug and spoke, "How long have you known?"

I looked at her sheepishly and rubbed the back of my neck, "The beginning of Freshan year..."

She hit me playfully, "You've known the whole time we were together?! Dallon!" She gave a small laugh trying to hold it back.

I smiled a little wider, happy she wasn't angry, "I know, I know. I should've said something. But we're ok right?"

She leaned against the locker and let out a content sigh, "Yeah Dal, we're ok."


The day went by slower than ever and I was anxious. It was seventh period and I couldn't wait to get out. Brendon hadn't been at school all day but I was going to surprise him at his house and tell him I did it. I didn't know if it would change anything but Awsten's words were playing in my mind and I just wanted to tell him. The clock ticked slower and slower as the little hand was slowly coming around. Just one more minute. One. More. Minute. I was excited. More excited than I should've been. Brendon hadn't been in either of the classes we had together. I didn't see him at all. Chances that he was avoiding me were very very high. Finally the quiet buzz of the bell began to sound before the bell went off. I jumped out of my seat and went to the door. I walked out of the hallway and began my trek to the front doors. I walked to the doors but saw something out of the corner of my eye. Brendon. He was at the lockers. His back was to the front doors leading out. He was waiting. I walked up slowly. My feet barely touching the ground. He looked up and gave me a tiny smile. He was waiting for me. My heart swelled and I walked a little quicker. I stopped in front of him and looked down. He tucked his phone in his pocket and looked up at me. I gave him a genuine smile and reached for his hand.

"I did it." I said.

He looked down at our hands and said, "I know you did."

The sugar went straight to my brain and I was just a sweet tooth for him.

Hey so I kinda hate the ending of this but I couldn't think of anything else :( ahaha I hope you enjoyed this story even though it was kinda bad. I haven't wrote a fic in 4 years? Idk the amount of time really but it's been a while. Thank you for all the reads and votes! It means the world and was my motivation to continue this story.


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