Chapter 7

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Dallon's POV:

The sun was bright this morning. It seemed brighter than usual. Well, that's what I thought... I blinked my eyes open and saw Pete leaning over me with a flash light in his hand. I groaned and moved my hand over my eyes.

"Pete. Dude, it's too early for this." I groaned trying to shove him away.

Pete turned the flash light off letting my vision come back. I rubbed my eyes and stared at him. Everyone was in there. They must have all stayed the night but why were they in here?

"So, you and Bren have a good nights sleep?" Pete asked giving me a little wink.

I rolled my eyes sitting up a little more on the bed. I looked to my left and saw a sleeping Brendon. He was completely oblivious to what was happening right now.

I yawned before giving a small shrug, "We shared the bed. It's no big deal. Just dudes being bro's." I said trying to sound nonchalant.

Josh smirked, "Oh yeah, just dudes being bro's. I'm sure that's all it was."

Patrick shook his head and sighed, "Can we stop saying, "dudes being bro's?" That is one of the worst sayings I've ever heard."

I chuckled a bit still trying to adjust to the annoying wake up call. I still don't understand why a flash light was in my face.

"Uh hey, Pete? Why were shining a flash light in my face?" I asked just out of curiosity.

Pete smiles before plopping on the end of the bed, "Well you see... All of us have been up since 5 and we wanted to do something fun so we decided to harass you."

I blinked at him still confused. Why couldn't it have been Brendon? He's part of this friend group too.

"Well since Brendon's still asleep why don't y'all mess with him and let me go back to sleep." I mumbled laying back down. Pete grabbed the flash light again and threatened to shine it in my face. I sighed getting up again. Why are my friends five?


Everyone decides since Brendon was still a bit knew we wouldn't mess with him, much to my displeasure. We all filed out of the room and went downstairs trying to make somewhat of a breakfast. About fifteen minutes later Brendon came down. He walked down the steps sleepily before greeting everybody with a small smile. He came over to me, I was sitting on the brown plushy couch in Spencer's living room. He punched me in the shoulder lightly.

"You're a jerk." He mumbled with a grin still on his face. As he plopped down on the couch next to me.

I smiled down at the dark haired boy and rolled my eyes. I knew he was just teasing. I sat the coffee mug i was holding down on the coffee table. It was still littered with red solo cups and had a slight bit of the sticky residue from the beer.

"What'd I do?" I asked a small chuckle trying to emit. He stretched his arms over his head and placed his hands back in his lap.

"You just left me in the bed all by myself." He said giving me a fake pout.

Spencer came over and sat in the arm chair next to the couch, "Oh? Is something going on here that I don't know about?" Spencer questioned us looking between me and Brendon.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Nothings happening. Brendon's just being a baby." I replied back.

Brendon glared at me, "I'm not being a baby. You didn't even wake me while all of y'all are down here."

I groaned back in response, "You're lucky B! They all came in the room this morning and woke me up way too early. Pete had a flashlight in my face."

Pete walked in and popped a seat down on the shaggy carpet laying across the living room.

"Ok first, it was not even that early. It was 8 and we were bored. Second, we like Brendon more." Pete said with a smirk spread across his whole face.

I scoffed and pretended to be offended, "Thank you Pete, I feel all the love right now."

He nodded his head in response with a small smile before taking a sip out of his coffee cup. The room felt cozy and warm with everyone in there. A peaceful silence fell over the room as we drank coffee and ate breakfast.


We had wasted away the whole morning picking up all the mess from the party. Spencer's parents were on their way home a little earlier than anticipated and now we were rushing against the clock to beat his parents. There was only one cup left and at the same time me and Brendon both lunged for it. We bumped heads and fell back. In unison we both said ow. I started laughing at the situation and he smirked back giving a little chuckle. Tyler leaned his arm over and grabbed the cup before giving us both a wink and running off. I got up lending Brendon a hand. He took it and gave me a smile in thanks. He rubbed his arm a little and I looked over seeing his tattoos peak out from his short sleeve top. I was still intrigued by them.

"We should talk about what happened last night." Brendon said giving me a shy look.

I let my eyes trail back up to his and I nodded my head in agreement. Last night was weird. But a good weird. All the guys were in the kitchen trying to get all of the trash bags together. They were gonna stuff them all in Patrick's car and let Patrick take them to is dads store. He owned a hard ware shop downtown and had access to one of those huge trash bins. Brendon grabbed my hand and took me back upstairs to where we had stayed last night. We both sat down on the bed and said nothing.

Brendon sighed, "Dal, what's going on between us? I know you're still with Breezy. Are you going to break up with her?"

I looked him in the eyes and shrugged my shoulders trying to get comfortable, "I- I don't really know. I mean the kiss last night made me feel something I haven't in a while but, I really do love Breezy. We've been dating for two years, I don't know if I'm ready to give that up."

Brendon pushed his hand through his hair and pursed his lip letting a bit of air come out. "I had a feeling this would happen and I still took the chance." He sighed.

I looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

He chuckled with sad eyes, "I kissed you knowing there was a fifty percent chance you would use me as a distraction from your problems."

I looked at him with wide eyes. I wasn't using him. Right? I was just confused. In the moment I said something I knew I shouldn't. I didn't know if was going to be able to keep to it...

"I'll break up with Breezy on Monday." I breathed out quickly. Letting air come back into my lungs.

He perked up when he heard that, he grabbed both my hands and scooted closer. "Really? Are you sure? I don't want to feel forced or anything." He let out nervously.

I gave him a half smile and nodded my head half heartedly. I couldn't hurt him by saying I didn't know. I looked him in his eyes and gave him a smile. That's all he needed from me because the next thing I know he gave me the biggest hug.

"I really want to kiss you right now but I think we should leave that for Monday." He said with a small smile.

I smiled back at him taking his hand and squeezing it. Oh gosh what have I done. Monday is going to be a nightmare.

Hey guyssss! I just wanted to give a big thanks for almost 200 reads! Y'all don't know how much I love the support. Thank you for reading this little fic. :))))) I hope you enjoyed.


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