Chapter 8

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Dallon's POV:

It's Monday. Oh gosh it's Monday... my stomach felt queasy someone was going to get hurt today and o don't even know who. Brendon had blown my phone up all weekend after we departed. I was trying to act like nothing was wrong and it seemed to be working. I tried to text without sounding dry and I succeeded mostly. Brendon was so happy is judgement was fogged. I don't want to hurt him. But I don't want to hurt Breezy either. I need to make a decision fast... I had been up all night over thinking and if had just turned 5:00. I had to be out of the house by 5:45. The time seemed to go by so slow it was making me nervous. I spent 30 minutes staring at my closet trying to decide what to wear. I settled on the most comfortable thing in my closet, if I was going to feel sick all day might as well feel comfortable at the same time.


As I approached the doors the thought of running away doesn't seem too bad. I could just go home grab my bass, and run off and join a band. The next time anyone sees me I'll be touring world wide. That's funny to think. Although I'd love for that to be the case... I opened one of the many front doors of the school and walked in. Breezy wasn't there but Brendon was... He was talking to a kid I didn't really know. His name was George I'm pretty sure. We had a class together freshman year but he was kind of strange. Not the type you'd expect to see Brendon around. I brushed it off and walked towards the lockers but before I could I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I automatically knew it was Breezy I saw her slender hands pressed against my lower abdomen. I craned my neck to to see her, she had her head rested on my shoulder and big grin plastered on her face. I smiled back at her small and turned back around to continue walking. She matched my pace and grabbed my hand. I looked at Brendon who's eyes were wide and his mouth was hung slightly open. His friend was still standing there looking at him confused. Brendon shifted his shoulders and broke eye contact with me. He closed his locker door shut and looked back at me one last time. The sadness in eyes turned into stone and he just glared. His friend gave me a weird look before turning back to Brendon. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. WHY COULDN'T I SAY ANYTHING?

I let out a weak sound, "Bren..."

He turned around and looked at me, "Just leave me alone Dallon. I don't want to associate with liars." He sighed walking away. He grabbed the guys hand and walked away. His friend smiled sheepishly at the touch and continued walking with him.

I sighed and rubbed my head. Breezy looked up at me with a confused look, "Everything ok Dal? I feel like I missed a lot." She mumbled.

I nodded my head and squeezed her hand a little, "Yeah things are fine me and Brendon just had some miscommunication and now he's a bit upset with me."

Breezy squinted her eyes, "So, y'all are friends now?" She asked a confused tone clear in her voice.

I blushed at the question. Brendon felt more than a friend but at this point I don't even know if we are friends. I knew someone would get hurt but I never wanted it to go that way! Breezy's sudden outburst of affection ruined my plans. I didn't really have a plan but still. If Breezy wouldn't have done that I would've broken up with her. I smiled down at her. I was happy I had her back. I didn't lose her to Ryan.


Brendon's POV:

My life has been rough but what happened just a few minutes ago was probably one of the wurst things to ever happen. Dallon lied to me. My heart was a ached and I didn't know what to do. Thankfully, I had Ryan. I don't know what I would've done without Ryan there. He has slowly become one of my best friends at this school. Ryan had no idea what was going on but he didn't press me to tell him. I think he caught in pretty easy though. Dallon is a bitchy little liar. He's up Breezy's ass so much he doesn't even know how to get out. I sighed thinking about the second thought in my head or, he was leading me on and he's actually a heterosexual. I hoped it wasn't the second one. That would be foul. This happens all the time. I set my expectations high so nothing ever comes out right. I looked down and felt Ryan's hand still intertwined in mine. I let go and looked up at him. He gave me a sad smile and just hugged me. I looked at him surprised before hugging him back.

He stepped back a little and looked at me, "You ok Bren?" He asked sympathetically.

I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose, "No I'm not ok. I really liked that guy back there..." I said sadly.

He cut in before I could continue talking, "Dallon?"

I looked at him kind of surprised but dialed it down when I realized they'd probably known of each other.

He chuckled lightly, "Me and Dallon had lit. 9th grade with Mrs. Rannon."

I nodded my head before continuing, "I've tried to do everything in my power to get him to find interest in me... now I'm starting to think I need to wear a dress to get his attention."

Ryan cocked his head before speaking, "Dallon's been dating Breezy for forever! It's been at least two years. Is Dallon bi?"

I sighed shaking my head, "I know he's been with her for a hot minute. Spencer told me at lunch one time. I'd like to assume Dallon's bi. Cause if not, he's a hell of a good actor..."

Ryan widened just eyes, "Have y'all-"

I cut him off, "Kissed, kissed... we've only ever kissed. I swear." I breathed out.

Ryan smiled letting out a small laugh. "I gotcha. No offense Bren but, Dallon doesn't seem like he's too great of a person. He cheated on Breezy with you."

I felt really defensive all of a sudden. I know I shouldn't but I still care for Dallon. I think he cares for me too. Like Ryan said, he cheated on Breezy with me. I bit my bottom lip trying to stay quiet. I knew I'd defend Dallon if I opened my mouth.

Ryan looked at me with sad eyes, "I know you care about him Bren. Let's just try to get your mind off of it. First is about to start anyways."

I sighed looking down at my shoes. I didn't want to have to face Dallon... at that moment I did something I automatically regretted.

"I don't really want to have to face Dallon..." I said to Ryan stepping a little closer. "Why don't me and you go find an empty lab and hang out?" I looked at Ryan flirtatious.

Ryan raised and eyebrow, "Oh? What did you have in mind?"

I looked at him with a smirk, "Someone once told me that making out in computer labs is the best way to go when skipping class."

Ryan gave me playful smile back before grabbing my hand. I gulped slowly. I shouldn't be doing this. I was just going to hurt Ryan. But right now? The only thing I cared about was getting Dallon off my mind.

Oop :0 hey guys! We hit over 200 reads and I just wanna say thanks to everyone that helped me get here! Y'all are all amazing! Hoped you liked this chapter! Stay safe.


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