Chapter 4

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Dallon's POV:

I was late to my seventh period and I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it when I got home. I thought I'd feel worse about it than I actually but in all honesty, I didn't really care. The moment I walked in the door I heard my mom barrel up the stairs from the basement. I had just opened the front door and she was already there, ready to interrogate me. Her voice rang through the house as I walked in.
"Dallon... I got an email from the school today. Why did it say you were late or absent from one of your classes?" Her voice asked worriedly.
I sighed bringing my hand up to my hair, "it was nothing mom. One of my teachers must've accidentally marked the wrong thing." I knew she wouldn't let it slide. My mom was great but she could be kind of hot-headed. She let her gaze sit on me for a while before she turned around and walked back down to the basement. Mom was an artist and was very proud of her work. She had a gallery of all sorts of things down there. It was borderline girder-ish. I sighed completely exhausted from the events that occurred today. I knew tomorrow was gonna be even longer.


My alarm blurred louder than normal and I winced at the high pitched ringing. I grabbed my phone off the table sitting next to my bed and opened it realizing I had 5 unread messages. I squinted my eyes trying to gain my sight since I had just woken up. They were all from Brendon.

Brendon: Hey DalPal! I know we talked a bit last night but I'm bored and it's 4 in the morning so I'm just gonna text you to annoy you.     
                                                         Delivered at 4:15

Brendon: Please tell me your phones, not on airplane mode. I'm boredddddddd and it's too early to be bored.                                             
                                                        Delivered at 4:16

Brendon: You're no fun :( WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! 
                                                        Delivered at 4:20

Brendon: Well you have to be up now it's 5 and school starts at 7. Well... ok but I'm giving you 30 minutes and if you're not up by then I'm fighting you.
                                                         Delivered at 5:05

Brendon: It's 5:30 wake up bitch.

                                                         Delivered at 5:30

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. Does he have nothing better to do? I opened the messages and sent him a quick reply.

Dallon: You're so annoying. I just got up. Some of us actually need sleep because we're normal functioning people.

                                                       Delivered at 5:35

I turned my phone off and set it back down on the side table picking out my outfit for the day. Today was going to be trying I could already tell. I picked out an old Dr. Pepper shirt Breezy got me back in Sophomore year when we were still a pretty new couple. I wanted to wear something that I knew would make her happy. And I love Dr. Pepper so it didn't hurt my feelings. I pulled out a random pair of jeans from my drawer and put them on finishing the outfit. I picked my phone back up realizing I had yet again a couple more texts from Brendon. I put my phone in my pocket ignoring the multitude of messages clouding my phone.

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