Chapter 10

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Dallon's POV:

Today was awful. And it was about to get even worse. Brendon and I were supposed to study after school for math. Mr. Edenson really called me out. I know he's doing his job but that was kinda rude. Part of me wishes I wouldn't have agreed to having Brendon help me but what was I supposed to say? "Sorry Mr.Edenson, me and Brendon are kind of on a no speaking terms right now because I didn't break up with my girlfriend and I kinda led him on for the past week." I couldn't have said that! Hopefully things aren't too awkward and maybe we can fix things.


When I walked to the lockers after school Brendon was standing there. He had his head fixated downwards looking at his phone. He had a small crown on his face while he looked down. He started to type something then sighed and put his phone in his pocket. I walked over cautiously but he saw anyways. He gave me a small smile and straightened himself up.

"Ready to go?" He asked me quietly.

I nodded my head and followed him out of the school. Our conversation was short and dry. The ride was even worse. Brendon drove quietly to his house. He looked super tense and it made me sad to see him this way. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to. The car finally stopped and we pulled into a short driveway. The house was cute. It wasn't anything grand but it seemed really homey. It was two stories but it looked like the second floor was just an add on over the garage. Brendon saw me staring at the house and he gave me a little shrug.

"I know it's not much but, it's the only thing in this town that seems some what affordable." Brendon said looking at me.

I just nodded my head in response not really having much to say. This town was becoming more and more expensive. I had no room to judge at all. I've lived here my whole life. If Brendon saw my house he wouldn't be impressed either. My house had two levels but hardly. The second floor was basically just a small strip of hall way that was just enough to get you to each of the rooms. And trust me, the rooms were tiny also. We lived in similar houses, dinky suburban middle class homes. We walked inside and I was automatically filled with a sweet cinnamon smell. It smelt so good and made me realize how hungry I was. I hadn't ate all day because I was so nervous about coming over to Brendons. He lead me up the stairs away from the sweet smell. I internally sighed wishing we could've have ventured to kitchen. He plopped down on his bed which was messy and unmade. I realized that I was right and the second floor was a bonus room over the garage. It was large and spacious but unfortunately had a slanted ceiling which made it hard for me to not hit my head. He realized this and let out a little chuckle.

"We can study downstairs if you want. I know the ceiling is really odd in here." He said giving me a small smile.

I shook my head and plopped down on the floor across from his bed, "Don't worry about it. This is totally fine." I replied giving him back a soft look.

That was the first thing I said the whole time I was here. The whole time since we had left the school actually. Brendon started to pull out his math notebook and I don't know what came over me but I got up and went over to him and grabbed his face and kissed him. Brendon dropped the binder and it fell on the ground hitting my shoe but I paid it no attention. Brendon sat there still for a minute but eventually fell into the kiss and I felt his lips move with mine. I was happy we were doing this. It meant he was willing to forgive and maybe even had feelings for me still. He broke the kiss and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Dallon I-"

I cut him off before he could continue what he was going to say.

"I'm breaking up with Breezy. And that's final. I can't be with her anymore. Even if you decide to stay with Ryan, I'm breaking up with her." I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

He gave me a passive look. I know he didn't completely believe me and that was fine. I was going to prove it to him. I cleared my throat and started talking more, "I can't be with someone I fell out of love with especially when..." I shook my head not even finishing my sentence.

He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow, "when what?..." He asked me quietly.

I shifted my eyes to the floor and started playing with fingers, "when I have a really strong feeling for somebody else." I finished.

He nodded his head swiftly and picked up the dropped book. He dropped the whole conversation after that. We studied the rest of the time but it wasn't really helpful. The whole time we studied the only thing I could think of was Brendon. Tomorrow I was going to break up with Breezy and I didn't know how that would go. Breezy was going to be upset but that wasn't what I was scared about. There was a really big possibility that Brendon wouldn't break up with Ryan. They've only been dating a week but they seem really fond of each other. Ryan is really affectionate towards Brendon. Brendon is too... I don't want to get my hopes up but it seems like Brendon isn't as affectionate. I hope it's because he wants to be with me. Thats awful to think but it's true. Brendon eventually left and I was left alone to my own thoughts. I looked at my phone and had no new messages. Breezy never texted me unless it was convenient or she needed something. Brendon hadn't been texting me for obvious reasons. I looked at Spencer's contact and smiled. I could use my best friend right now. Tomorrow is going to be crazy...

Heyyy sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I wasn't feeling inspired honestly but I'm back! And this book is almost over so I felt like I needed to complete it.


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