Chapter 3

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Dallon's POV:

As always, the rest of the day pushed on. Breezy and I didn't have any classes together this year, which was a bummer. We didn't even have lunch together. The only times we got to see each other were on the short 5-minute breaks we had in between classes. Having a girlfriend takes up time. I don't mean that in the wrong way, It's just the friendships that I've had since middle school and longer have disappeared. I hardly get any time to hang out with anyone. I miss Spencer, Josh, Tyler, Pete, and Patrick. They're my closest friends, and it's been ages since we've all hung out. Pete and Patrick have gotten oddly close throughout the past few months I've seen. The moments I do have with them, the two are stuck on each other. Tyler and Josh seem to put up with it. You can tell they're close, but they always have been. And Spencer, well out of all of them I'm closest to Spence. He's the reason me and Breezy got together anyways. Sometimes I wonder if he regrets it, though. Spencer and I were inseparable before I got together with Breeze. I need to talk to him. Spencer has lunch during 6B, so I can just skip guided study to go and speak to him. It's been too long, and he's my best friend. I signed into my guided study with Mr. Tork before slipping out of the classroom. Mr. Tork taught Theatre, so I was down the fine arts hall. Which just so happened to be right next to the Cafeteria. I walked casually out of the fine arts hall strolling into the Cafeteria. The messy rows of tables were completely crowded and hard to pinpoint each person. I thought back onto where we say freshman year and thought that wouldn't be too bad of a place to look. Right as I walked up to the old spot, I saw his head tipped up, laughing at something. I smiled, seeing his face happy. I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, I saw a glimpse of someone's dark brown eyes looking Spencer in the face. I gasped quietly, realizing who it was. Spencer looked up, surprised but smiled, 

"Hey, DalPal! It feels like it's been ages since the last time I saw you." He gave me a sincere smile, but I could see the hurt in the eyes when he said it. He shuffled around in his seat before continuing,

 "This is Brendon, he's new here! Super cool, dude." Spencer chuckled.
I gave him a weak smile before speaking,

 "Haha yeah. We've met. Just hadn't learned his name yet." I said, directing my attention to Brendon for a second. He smirked up at me, giving me a wink that sent shivers down my spine. Brendon broke the silence, 

"Dal and I got Econ together. He was annoying me to no end with the pencil tapping today, but I let it keep going once I realized the cute face that was doing it."
He's such a flirt! Gosh, he needs to stop. Spencer chuckled, giving me a confused grin.

"Well, it's nice that y'all know each other, Dall's my best friend actually," Spencer spoke, directing his attention to Brendon. Brendon raised an eyebrow and nodded his head a little too slowly.

"Well, any friend of Spencer's is a friend of mine." He said playfully. Spencer laughed at Brendon flirty-ness while hitting him on the back.

"Gosh Bren, you're so forward," Spencer grinned, 

"Dallon has a girlfriend. You've probably seen her. She's hard to miss." He mumbled the last part. I shifted my shoulders, knowing Spencer was slightly uncomfortable talking about Breezy. Brendon cocked his head up at me, 

"Is she the one with the Blonde-ish looking hair? The one at your locker this morning?" Brendon questioned. I nodded my head up and down in response,

 "Yeah, that's her." Brendon let out a dry laugh, 

"oh yeah, I know her. She doesn't like me one bit." I gave him a slight smile. He wasn't wrong; Breezy hated his guts. Spencer became amused by Brendon's response.

"She doesn't like you? Wow, you must've said something about Dallon. She's overly protective over him." Spencer spoke. I stood there kind of awkwardly. It was weird hearing them talk about Breezy in a bad light. She was my girlfriend, and part of me felt like I needed to defend her. Brendon looked up at me before directing his attention to Spencer, 

"All I said was the truth. She sadly has exquisite taste." Brendon spoke flirtatiously again. I shifted my eyes to the ceiling, not wanting to make eye contact with either one of the guys sitting at the table. Spencer let out a little chuckle. I sighed, feeling a little bit of courage come over me, 

"I know Breezy hasn't seemed like the greatest person recently but, she's my girlfriend. And I love her and am kindly taken so if you could please stop with the flirtatious comments, and you," I looked at Spencer, 

"could stop egging him on.?" I asked, letting out a breath. They both looked at me, apologetically, Spencer more so than Brendon.

"Yeah, sorry, DalPal. I know you care about her a lot." Spencer let out. I smiled at him with a genuine smile. I knew Brendon wasn't going to say anything because he didn't care. I shot him a quick smile too. Just to let him know there was no harm done. He gave me a half-smile back in response. I mentally facepalmed, realizing I completely forgot to talk to Spencer. Before I could say anything, the bell rang, signaling lunch was over, and we needed to head to our seventh period. I sighed, pulling out my phone to text Spencer about what I wanted to talk about just as I was texting him, I felt an arm land on my shoulder. Brendon.

"Hey, uh, I don't have many friends here yet, and I was wondering if you could give me an official welcome to the school tomorrow morning? Just to you know, I get used to the school."
I smiled at him and nodded my head, 

"Sure! But we'll have to do it pretty quickly. I meet up with my girlfriend in the morning." I responded. He nodded his head before pulling out a small slip of paper 

"Here's my number. Hit me up so we can plan it."
I looked down at the paper and gave him a quick nod realizing I only had a couple of minutes to rush up the stairs for my seventh period. He gave me one of his signature smirks before walking away, 

"see you tomorrow." Saying as he walked away. My ears may have deceived me, but I swear I could've heard him say the word gorgeous under his breath. A new stupid name
I felt my cheeks heat up as I stood in the middle of the Cafeteria stupidly. I heard the quiet buzz of the tardy bell begin, and with that, I rushed out of the Cafeteria back to Mr.Tork's class to grab my bag quickly. I was late. For the first time in my life, I was late for a grade. All because of a new boy who I hardly knew.

Hey hey heyyyyyyyy so that was interesting... um, the next chapter should be exciting. I got some pretty great ideas to get this book going. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it!


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