Chapter 9

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Dallon's POV:

Brendon skipped first. I didn't blame him after what happened but it was so weird. I was worried about him. Breezy was being so clingy and would not leave me alone. I swear I got a text every two seconds. Of course I checked the messages, I was hoping one would be from Brendon but it never was. The last time I saw him he was with his friend. A tinge of jealousy washed over me. I know I had absolutely no no right to be jealous but, I knew Brendon was being consoled by that stupid boy and it pissed me off. The worst part about this all was I knew what I wanted. I wanted Brendon, I was ready to cut things off with Breezy. I just needed to talk to him! Right when first period ended, I bolted out the door. I knew Breezy would be walking over to meet up but I REALLY needed to talk to Brendon. I rushed towards our lockers and was met with disappointment. He wasn't there, of course. His next period was all the way upstairs towards the back of the school. He'd have to be a cross country runner to run down to his locker and make it on time to second. I sighed defeated and started my trek to my band class. It wasn't far, my locker was only a hall from the fine arts hall. Even though Mr. Hart could be a dick, this was by far my favorite class. Thankfully so, next period was Mr. Edenson's class... math, with Brendon.


My heart was jumping out of my chest as I walked up the stairs. I had Calculus with Brendon. There was no way he was going to skip this class too, right? I walked in a little bit earlier than usual. My strides were much longer as my heart rose and fell heavily. When I walked in, Mr. Edenson looked up and gave me a small smile.

"Hey Dallon! Can I talk to you real quick?" Mr. Edenson inquired.

I nodded my head redirecting my path to his desk, "What's up Mr. E?" I gave him a nervous smile trying to keep my composure.

"I'm sure you already know what this is about..." He trailed off.

I honestly had no idea what this was about but I nodded my head slowly.

He continued, "Well you're currently sitting at a 70 in this class and I'm worried. You did phenomenal first semester! You were at the top of the class. It seems like since this semester has started you've been off your game. Has something been troubling you?"

I looked at him sheepishly. Yeah something was troubling me. It was Brendon! It had been that way since the first time that he showed up at this school. But I didn't tell him that. I simply just shook my head and said, "I've had some family drama and I guess it's been taking a greater toll than I thought."

He gave me a sympathetic smile and reached over his desk to pay my shoulder. "Well why don't I find a student that can help you a bit? Do you think that could help you with the material a little better?"

I nodded my head. I mean I doubt it but if it puts Edenson's mind at rest then I guess it won't hurt. He gave me a quick smile before looking down at his computer. I walked over to my desk and saw that Brendon still wasn't here. My heart began to sink and I put my head down on my desk letting out a tiny groan. The tardy bell rung and I lifted my head up. I saw Brendon's body slip through the door last minute. His hair was messy, messier than the last time I saw him. It was probably just because he had to run so he wouldn't be late to class. He had a pinkish tint in his cheeks as everyone stared at him. He looked around the room desperately trying to find another desk away from mine. He sighed in defeat before sitting in the desk next to me. I tried to give him a smile but he scooted his desk almost into the middle of the aisle. Just to get away from me. I sighed and stared down at my notebook trying as hard as I could to pay attention. Even though Edenson hasn't even begun to teach.

Mr. Edenson cleared his throat before talking, "Could I have Mr. Weekes and Mr. Urie please come up to my desk?"

I looked over at Brendon and he did the same to me. We both got up and walked up to Mr. Edenson's desk.

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