Chapter 6: The Young Beauty and the Wild Men of Shadowmoor

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A young girl ran through the streets of Serakh, a bag of banned goods clutched to her chest and soldiers from the sea at her heels. Dirt stained her clothes and bruises marked her limbs, but the only thing in her mind was her mission. This was far from her first offense, anything other than escape would mean death, but she ran forward unrelenting.

Sharana was the name her father gave her, but she had forgotten his face long ago. His men came baring disease and death, fear and oppression. Her mother told her that her father brought only love and hope, but she had given up on such dreams. Her current mission was only to get the medicine her mother needed, the only defense from the curses her father and his men brought.

This was a burden she bore for many years, the ink resting under her fingernails from her hand written notes and her finger tips dyed by various colorful herbs were the battle scars she bore. And battle she did, she fought her whole life against the atrocities of half of blood.

Her stern face wore the eyes of her mother, big and grey, with the ears of an elf. Her father stole from her the elven height of her piers as well as their grey pigment. Her golden skin kept her as an outcast from her true people, so she doubled up on being what they needed.

She had gathered banned herbs from the surrounding forests for many years under the noses of the pigs who subjugated her people, but her luck was running out.

This is my only chance. She reminded herself as fear and doubt crept in.

It was different now. She was no longer the faceless Robin Hood who delivered needed help to the sick, the warrant officer in charge of her bounty, Noland the Hound, was the same man who killed her father after his illegal elven marriage to her mother. In his eyes, she was a loose end.

Despite the mounting disadvantages, things were different now. The option to go into hiding blew away in the same wind that brought the news of her mother falling ill to the dreaded Crows Plague that the Men of the Sea brought along everywhere they swarmed.

Her mom was kind and a good soul, known in the community. Sharana knew she never deserved any of this, but she had to think of a plan to fix it. Perrymont was her only option now. She cursed to herself at the thought of working with those thieves, but what other options did she have?

Looping wide around Serakh to escape the guards was easy enough, but finding Perrymont was its own challenge. Perrymont was never meant to be easily found, but the young outlaw was quite the tracker. Before the sun was up she was peering at he door lost in her thought.

Do I really want this? Of course not, but mother needs help and these are the only ones who can do it... but, working with th...

Are you going to gawk all day girl, or are you coming in? a voice interrupted, causing her to jump.

Stunned, she feels a hand playfully slap her back as a female elf walks past her. She turns arrogantly, arms outstretched and says, Im Kelethine, or as youll come to know me, your new god, Sharana.

She did not allow the girl a moment to take in the mistake she had made, armed rogues begin to encircle her as she continues I know youre wanted, I know your moms sick, and I know you have no other options. See knowledge is of value, you know this.

The girl is still speechless, her breath began to labors in fear.

Kelethine scoffs, dont play coward now, Ive seen the determination burning in those eyes for years, and Im, here to offer a chance. Kill the hound for me, poison him with the black leaf you avoid in the south, and Ill take your mother under my ca...

Sharana interrupts, ok.

Kelethine had not been taken aback so profoundly in years, but it was short lived as a smile crept across her meticulous face. Youd better get going.

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