chapter ten: film

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I lied down on noah's lap as we watched a movie.
"oh I have something I wanted to talk to you about!" the light gleamed in his eyes

"what?" I questioned him.

"so, I auditioned for a new movie and got the part, and the producers and casting directors asked me if I had a girlfriend. obviously I told them yes, and they want you to play my girlfriend in the movie."

"what's the movie? I asked him."

"a horror movie called 'Crimson'" he said

"what's my character in the movie?"

"well you're actually the lead, crimson." he looked at me

"wait , so i'm the lead, in a movie?!" I exclaimed.

"you sure are!" he exclaimed back.

I hugged him so tightly and for a moment I forgot about everything. I was lost in his arms, and I don't want to let go,

but i did.

"when do we start filming?" I asked him.

"next week on thursday, we're going out to england, all of the expenses are payed for. so you don't have to worry." he told me.

"and my mom?" I asked

"I already asked her, she said it was okay and she was so excited. but, there has to be a doctor on set."

I sighed, "of course there does."

"hey babygirl don't worry ok? i'll be with you the whole time." he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his embrace

a tear of mine fell on his shoulder "hey, don't cry, shh everything is gonna be fine. we are gonna have so much fun!"

I nodded as I let go of him.

one day before leaving

ari and noah were over, helping me pack.

"I wish I could go with you guys!" ari told us.

"well you can if you want, I can ask if you could be like an extra in the movie or something." noah told us.

"are you for real?" ari exclaimed.

"sure" noah said calmly.

noah went to grab more clothes for me, but he found my bras. "woah" he chuckled and threw it in my bag.

"NOAH" I yelled at him.

"ok y/n, don't act like he hasn't seen that before." ari said

"um he actually hasn't." I told ari and noah frowned.

"oh come on guys, seriously? you've been dating for a year and have never done it? noah's 17 and your 16!" ari sounded like she was complaining.

"we've never gotten the chance I guess? I dunno"

noah was still frowning so I went over and kissed his cheek, "soon babe, ok?" I teased and he smiled.

"really?" he sounded desperate.

"sure" I said "okay, back to packing now!"

we finished at around seven, so we went to ari's and helped her pack, then we eventually made it to noah's.

"ok here's the plan, tomorrow we wake up at seven, get to the airport at ten. got it?"

"got it."  ari and I said in sync.

then, we went to sleep, because obviously we had to wake up early tomorrow

these next few chapters are gonna be quite the adventure! I hope you all are glad that i'm back and continuing the story. big things are to come soon!

also sorry this was kind of a short chapter but, i'll have longer ones in the future.

just a secret // noah schnapp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now