CEO's BabYbOy

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⚠Warning ⚠
°Verbal Abuse
°Age gap(a little?)

And this shot is dedicated to my bish😉 @Sujung_loves_BTS

Author's POV:

"Baby~" He tickles him behind the ear to make him wake up "Come on baby wake up or else you're gonna be late~" he say's in a cute voice kissing his neck which is littered with red and purple hickey's.

"Five more minutes please mommy~" Jungkook snuggles closer to Tae's neck his own neck having the same dark bruises

Tae chuckles at his cute behavior"But you'll be late for school then baby and get your pretty bum up I'll make breakfast." He pats kook's bum softly and get's up from bed.Kook whines at the loss of warmth beside him.Jungkook is at last year of highschool and will be graduating soon.While Taehyung is the CEO of 'Kim Enterprise' a merged company between 'Gucci and Victoria's Secret' and he's a model himself for 'Gucci' in his own company.

Taehyung became Jungkook's official guardian when he took him in the family 4 year's ago.Taehyung and Jungkook have known each other since they were kids.And over the year's thing's happened and their feelings for each other changed as well.Taehyung and Jungkook became lover's 2 year's ago when Jungkook managed all of his courage to  propose to tae because he was head over heel's for him and that's a story for another time.Yes,they do have physical relation between them but they haven't gone all the way yet.Because Jungkook isn't an official adult well not until he graduates from highschool.So,for that their relationship is still a secret only few people as in their group of close friends know.

Taehyung stand's up and twists his body a little to open the block's in his bone's.A white satin nightwear decorating his petite body perfectly.Showing his long and beautiful honey tan leg's.

He walk's up to the window and open's the curtain letting the sunlight seep through."I want you out of bed and ready when I'm done with breakfast jungkookie" he enter's the bathroom finishing his morning routine he goes to kitchen preparing a simple breakfast of chicken sandwich and black coffee for Jungkook and herbal tea for himself as he hates coffe and the bitter taste of it.

He was setting up the mugs when jungkook enters the kitchen fully dressed ready for school.He comes behind tae and softly back hugs him and snuggles his neck."Are you up baby~?" Tae ruffles his soft raven hair "Yes~ hyungie~" Jungkook rests his head on his shoulder "Is my baby hungry?" Jungkook softly nods against his shoulder "Let's eat up and get you to school shall we?" Taehyung say's adoringly because he love's the adorable bunny too much.

"Bye baby I'll pick you up after school" He gives him his boxy smile and Jungkook returns the smile with his bunny smile

He waves at him and drives off to his office.Jungkook waves back at him and enters the school premises.He goes to his first class and the teacher comes in.Students stand up to greet him and he does too.

"Good morning,sit down everyone" Mr.Kang say's.Everyone sit down on their respective seat's.When Jungkook was about to sit down somebody kicks his chair to the side and he fall's on the floor.

"Oops if it isn't the fag.Yeah, that's right where you belong below us" And everyone laugh's at him at Songwoo's comment.Jungkook was openly gay he wasn't exactly a nerd just smarter and quieter than other's.He had a decent handsome face.But doesn't mean there wouldn't be jealous fucker's trying to degrade him.Because they thought he had everything.Good grade's,handsome face,and even a wealthy guardian giving him financial support.But they didn't know that he entered the elite school through scholarship and have been studying through scholarship.He didn't let Taehyung pay for his studies even though he wanted to he even went to the extent to fight with him to not pay for him.Taehyung didn't speak with him for a week after that fight but he made him agree by letting him pay for his daily necessities.Taehyung doesn't spoil him like other rich people would.Jungkook isn't weak physically he's very much capable of beating the shit out of someone but Taehyung never taught him to hurt someone.

"Heh whatta pussy wouldn't even fight back" Songwoo scoffs and keeps throwing insults at him but Jungkook just ignores.

"Enough detention after school songwoo" Mr.Kang slams his palm on the desk and the class immediately settles down.

During lunch Songwoo was fuming in anger "I swear I'll beat that motherfu*ker into a pulp.I got detention because of him" He kicks the trash can to vent his anger "Then why don't you?We'll help besides it's been long since we had fun" his other three friends smirk at him.

Jungkook was washing his hand's at the boy's bathroom when he turned to leave two boy's blocked his way "Can you please move?I need to go" he politely asks "What about a no?" Songwoo comes from behind the two boy's "Tell me Jungkook how come you always come out from a rich looking car huhh?Where do you get so much money from? as long as I remember you were a nobody in middle school" Songwoo pushes him backwards with his every sentence.Jungkook keeps quite taking every insult and hit but he start's seeing red when he start's to insult Taehyung."Tell me do you get money from fucking that whore who drop's you huhh?Do they open their leg's good for you huhh?" Songwoo suddenly get's punched directly in the nose making him stumble back.He grabs his nose to see it's bleeding."Boy's get him" and thing's get bloody after that.The three boy's are passed out on the bathroom floor.Jungkook is no better bruises scattered through all over his face and shoulders, knuckles bleeding.

He run's out of the bathroom and sit's under the staircase the hallways totally silent because classes are going on.He hesitantly take's out his phone "H-hyung I-I am S-s-orry" a sob leave's his mouth "Baby?Baby what's wrong?Are you okay?" Taehyung worriedly asks through the phone Jungkook just keeps sobbing "Baby stay where you are I'm coming to you!I'm coming to you right now!" And the call is cut from Jungkook's side

Ayo my lovelies😘
Another update hope u enjoy~

Yukitear peace😉

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