❃Awaitence pt.2❃

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Sorry for the late update lovelies 😅!!I'll be a good author again nd update as frequently as I can😅!I was just being lazy(=ලᆽල=)!!

Ignore the mistakes even if I proofread!

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Author's POV:

Taehyung stands up to drink some cold water he had a really bad dream.He couldn't point what he saw exactly but he knows it wasn't something good.The dream is totally blurry to him right now.But he can't ignore the pounding of his heart.He opens the fridge and takes out a cold water bottle gliding it on his cheek to calm down.He drinks some water before leaning against the fridge door."Please be safe" He thinks about jungkook when he feels a kick on his tummy.He caresses over it softly "Don't worry angel dada will be fine.He'll be here soon with us" He lay's on his bed lost in thought not realizing when he fell asleep.


"jungkook the situation is not good we can't stop them without backup we have to retreat" Seojoon worriedly tugs on jungkook's shoulder urging him to retreat,his rifle bullets are almost finished."We need more weapons and soldiers jungkook.Listen to your hyung" Minho walks towards them holding a AK-47 in hand,a chain of bullets hanging from his left shoulder."But we can't just leave hyung they have our comrades as hostages.We can't just run away like cowards and leave them to die" Jungkook madly pushes more bullets on his rifle seojoon's hand stopps him in mid doing so "Don't be like this jungkook.We are not running away we are taking a step back so we can take two steps ahead.Think rationally jungkook they're the Russian Mafia invading here illegally trying to set up their base who knows what their plan is.You don't know how horrendous they can be.You are thinking of saving your comrades but in the middle you're forgetting you're risking twice the soldiers.And in this battle we can't ensure victory.So we have to think wisely" Seojoon explains to him softly yet firmly as expected from an experienced general.

Jungkook lowers his rifle "Ok hyung I'll do what you think is best" His head hanging low from not being able to save his fellow comrades right away.Minho pats his back as a form of comfort "We have to get moving.All unit's retreat now!This is an order retreat and wait for backup!" Minho order's from the walkie talkie in his hand.The three of them start jogging in order to get out the risk zone unfortunately luck wasn't on their side.A beep sound startles them and in a mere second bullet's start piercing through the air like heavy rainfall and a fierce bullet pierces jungkook's left shoulder he yelps in pain falling on his knees.Minho grabs his weapon ready to launch but Seojoon's hand stopps him "NO!!We can't fire it'll give them our exact location!!Running is our only option!Jungkook can you move??!!" He gives a painful nod they both help him stand up and they start moving,away from that place they were pretty far when jungkook realises something wasn't right.And his eye's widen before he could warn his hyungs a blast blows all the tree behind them the ground starts crumbling and falling on the river"SHIT!!They lured us exactly where they wanted us to!!This is the heavy risk zone!!"Minho screams the heavy risk zone even a flicker of fire can cause the ground to crumble down whereas it was a full on blast.Minho holds a tree branch with one hand with all his might jungkook hanging from his other arm trying to prevent his dongsaeng from falling on the harsh flowing river.Seojoon is hanging from another tree."HYUNG!!LET GO YOU CAN'T KEEP HOLDING ON LET GO!!" Jungkook screams "NO!shut up you idiot I'm not letting go!!" In the middle of panicked situation seojoon's tree breaks taking him down with it and falling on the river"HYUNG!!NO JUNGKOOK!!" In shocked state Minho's hand slips and jungkook fall's down looking at Minho with wide eye's,Minho screaming for him.His back collides harshly with the water surface pain shooting through out his bones from the impact his wound stinging.He dives deeper and deeper in the blackness.

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