Doctor's Appointment pt.2

561 21 39

Author's POV:

"Hyung what am I gonna do now??He'll totally think I'm some kind of perverted guy doing 'it' with two girls" he sighs sipping his black coffe which is completely cold now.

"Just go and tell him idiot that what happened was a misunderstanding and you two don't have that kind of relationship it's totally platonic" Namjoon tries hard not to laugh at his best friend's situation.After Jungkook told him the whole thing he laughed for half an hour and the staff and people in the café where giving him look's.

"Yeah right as if he would want to see my face after what happened.But hyung he's so cute I wanna squeeze his cheek's and hide him inside my arm's forever,pepper him with kisses every morning I want to do all those cheesy things with him" he make's a face of fake crying and namjoon internally thinks which brand of whipped cream he is right now.Namjoon looks towards the glass while jungkook is sulking and notices someone familiar with a tall handsome man.

"Kook.....hey kook" He calls his name to get his attention "What hyung?" He whines like a kid namjoon ignores the whine and points at someone familiar with fluffy brown hair that is long enough to reach his nape.

"Isn't that taehyung" namjoon point's at the two boy's who were laughing with boba in their hands.Seemingly enjoying their time.Jungkooks head immediately whips towards them and he pushes his face against the glass to see them better as if he can get out through the glass.And people are giving him look's thinking of him as a weirdo but he doesn't care right now.All he wants right now is to know who's the man with'his' taehyung.

"Hyung who's he....who the hell is he!!!!??" He shakes namjoon's arm aggressive as if he'd know.

"How am I supposed to know??" He say's his words vibrating because of the shaking.

"Omg....omg hyung they're getting out of sight!!We have to follow them!!" Namjoon visibly cringe's at the 'Omg' but follows him anyway.That's what you have to do when you're a best friend.

"What are they doing in the jewelry shop hyung???" He say's from behind a rack in the shop nervously biting his nails.

"For the last time kook how am I supposed to know?" He roll's his eye's and shruggs.

"Hyung they're buying rings!!!!" He say's not liking the fact that someone else is touching taehyung's hand.

"Oh gosh really...." he peaks from behind kook's shoulder and watches them buying ring's "If they're buying rings then they're probably fiance's gonna get married soon....look's like you lost your chance kook" he shruggs his shoulders and walk's out of the shop creating a whirlpool inside kook's head,the 'fiancé' keeps spinning inside his head.

Taehyung's POV:

"Channie this one is really pretty this is perfect" he say's looking at the ring adorning his finger smiling softly at the ring.

"Do you think he'll like it??" Chanyeol nervously chews on his lips.He wants to propose to his lover in a perfect way promising to cherish him as long as they live.

"Are you kidding me right now??Bitch he'll love it" taehyung gives him an encouraging boxy grin forming a dimple smile on chanyeol's face as well.While someone is burning in jealousy behind the racks because he couldn't hear what they were talking could only see their interactions and he's sure he didn't like it one bit.

"Channie have you been feeling a weird vibe for some time??" Taehyung say's feeling a shiver run down his spines feeling someone eye's boring holes at his back.Even though he moves his head to find the eye's he see's no one.

"No not really" chanyeol replies seeming perfectly fine.

"Yeah maybe I'm just imagining thing's.Let's go back and plan for your special day" taehyung cheers chanyeol agrees with him enthusiastically.And they exit the shop leaving a sulking bunny.

Author's POV:

Taehyung sorts out the paper scattering throughout his table.Massaging his temples to relieve some stress.When suddenly the door bursts open "What the--- Jungkook?Jungkook what are you doing here??" He confusingly asks not expecting to see the male today.

"Ok....ok before you snap and call the security on me I need to tell you something" Jungkook hurriedly say's sweating bucket's armpits itching in nervousness.

"Huhh?? ok go on" he stand's up from his seat and walk's towards him. "Taehyung!" he screams and grabs his shoulders scaring the shit out of tae he squeaks and screams as well "What!?"

"I know I know I shouldn't be saying this when you already have a fiance.But.....but I just can't help it....I-I really like you taehyung.Since the first day I saw you I fell in love with you but didn't have the guts to tell you.What happened that day in the cafe I'm not like what you're thinking I am.Lisa is just my childhood best friend and Jennie is her girlfriend she just likes to blabber when she shouldn't.I just couldn't keep it in anymore and had to let it out.I just--- I really love you tae but doesn't mean you have to reciprocate it.You can't cause you already have someone and--" he kept blabbering without even looking at tae and taehyung keeps smiling adoringly at him.

He moves forward and wraps his arm's around his neck pulling him close.Jungkook stands there dumbfounded"What if I say I like you too? Hmm?" He says huskily lips hovering over jungkook's lips."You do?" He whispers too afraid to move even an inch."Yeah~" he chuckles in his mind "B-but you already have a fiance" he stutters having a lump on his throat that tae already belongs to someone else."Well it doesn't matter I can cheat on him with you" he boops their noses together.Jungkook wraps his arms around his waist loving the proximity."But you can't he's your fiance it'll hurt his feelings" he whispers almost on the verge of crying."What about your feelings?" He looks at him in concern."My feelings don't matter" he rests their forehead together.And the door again bursts open.

"Tae you know-" chanyeol walks in and jungkook pushes taehyung away in panic.And he stumbles glaring at him for pushing him."S-sir it's not like what you think it is please don't break the marriage-" he again starts blabbering in confusion.

"Huhh?Why the hell would I do that?" Chanyeol say's and starts ranting like a high school girl to tae."Omg Omg tae you know sehun loved the ring so much when I proposed to him.He laughed for ten minutes then cried for ten minutes.Omg he's sooo freaking adorable.I thought he'd say no because he was crying so much but he said yes!!" You can see sparkles,rainbows and pink in chanyeol's background yupp he's whipped too.

"Wait you're not taehyung's fiance??" Jungkook asks looking like a confused coconut "Why would I be this alien's fiance?I'm his cousins fiance" you can see heart eyes on him when he talks about sehun.taehyung is giggling in the background."Then in the shop-???" Taehyung stop's laughing and voice's his question."He's my best friend, sehun and I almost have the same ring size so he took me with him to choose the best ring for my stupid cousin" you can hear a 'hey' in the background when tae said stupid.

"So your not taken you can be mine??" Jungkook jumps in excitement and kisses tae.Taehyung eye's turn into saucers but he kisses back anyway but he's pushed by Jungkook again."Omg Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kiss you without permission"  taehyung grabs his collar and tugs hin towards him"If you don't stop pushing me I'll seriously yeet you to mars.And if you don't kiss me the next second I'll find someone else-" And he's kissed again just like he wanted to."Geez not in front of my salad" chanyeol roll's his eye's and leaves the two love birds alone.And after kissing for a century they break the kiss "I love you" jungkook holds him tight"I love you too" taehyung smile's loving the warmth.


Ik it was cringey I'm so sorryಥ⌣ಥ
I'm so bad at endings I promise I'll try to improve nd not to make them soooo long ಥ⌣ಥ
Please leave ur thoughts
Much love(ฅ’ω’ฅ)​♥

Yukitear peace 😉

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