Authors Note <3

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This is going to be so much fun. Muahaha..

So over the years I've written fan fiction, then high school romance, and now I'm going full blown assassin with this book. It's gonna be a wild ride, and I'm so excited for you all to join me ;)

A few annoying and over-used notes before we begin:

1. As usual, any clichés found in this book are just that. Clichés. We love 'em, but so do other authors. I have not targeted or copied any book in any realm with any of my ideas, plot lines, characters, etc.

2. Don't slut shame. Period. Double standards are ugly asf so don't come after females for being "sluts" when guys are idolized every time they get laid. You do you and let others do them. (Someone had to say it I'm sorry..)

3. If you're highly sensitive to death don't read this lol, sorry bout it. Lemme take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my other book, "Hopelessly Devoted", where people don't die left and right! Tehehe

***4. I am not here to force anyone to read my book. If you're not vibing with it, then don't read it- I completely support and respect anyone who chooses not to read my books for any reason! Im chillin my dudes. I also am a very far-from-perfect individual who loves some good constructive criticism and feedback to help fix my many many mistakes... but please no negativity. You can even DM me a rant abt how terrible something is, but please don't put any negative comments. They affect the way others perceive the plot or characters and that's no bueno... so, same as in life, please just do you and let others do them. It's that simple :)

5. Finally, just because I don't write out every time the characters shower or brush their teeth does not mean they are not doing those things lol. I can assure you they are all perfectly hygienic.

• • •

Alright, all business aside- ENJOY!!!

Without further adieu,

Sit back, relax, and enjoy killing some assholes with me!

Stay beautiful,

Beautiful But DeadlyWhere stories live. Discover now