Chapter Ten

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My eyes blinked open from yet another shallow, empty sleep. The spinning in my head subsided after a few moments, and my coordination centered itself. I pushed down on the bed and slinked myself up so that I was sitting up against the headboard. Rubbing my eyes, I heard Mason stir beside me.

"Wake up," I grumbled and flicked his face. He slowly woke up and glared at me, rolling over to face away from me and throwing a pillow in my direction. He mumbled some incoherent groans into his pillow.

"I just woke up and I'm already not in the mood for your shit today," I said with a yawn, "get the hell up or I'm eating all the food in the kitchen."

I swung my legs off the side of the bed and hopped down from it, throwing one last pillow at Mason aggressively before grabbing my clothes off the floor and heading into my room.

After showering and drying my hair, I slipped on a pair black leggings and a sports bra. It was still pretty early in the morning, the sun still waking up. As I was putting on a pot of coffee, Mason finally emerged from his room, dressed in his typical black.

"Morning, sunshine," he greeted me sarcastically, grabbing an apple from the counter and biting into it. "I just love being flicked awake in the morning, don't you?" He added.

"Okay, for the record, that is why I never sleep in the same bed afterwards. I legitimately see no interest in sharing a bed and waking up next to someone, it's annoying," I explained, and he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, because why on earth would you ever participate in the silly basic-human-nature of wanting to wake up next to someone," he responded. If I hadn't known any better, I would have thought he sounded offended. But it was Mason. He had no reason to care about if I wanted to wake up with him or not.

"You're eating that apple really loudly, you know that?" I said, getting out two mugs for our coffee. At my statement, he began chewing his apple over-necessarily loud. I turned around and glared at him. "I don't care, you're the one that looks like an absolute child right now."

"What else is new, Faye?" He replied, and I shrugged. At least he was self aware. I poured us each some good old black coffee and we sat down on the couch.

"So what happened on your little date?" He asked and took a sip of the scorching hot liquid.

"It wasn't a date, and I found out a ton of really pointless shit that hopefully will end up having a point one day," I gave the overview. "Some of the big things are that, um, well for starters he's really bad at flirting," I commented matter-of-factly, and Mason rolled his eyes.

"Judging by the way you were feeling last night I'd beg to differ," he teased and I went to punch him, but seeing him flinch in front of me was satisfactory enough.

"He said something weird, actually. I asked about his car and he said that it was his father's, and that his father died saving him.." I rehashed. "What does that even mean?"

"Well shit Faye do I look psychic? Why didn't you ask him?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"This is why I did so much better in our manipulation courses than you," I claimed, before explaining, "he's already reallyyy sketched up about everything going on in this town, especially in his family. If I give him any reason to believe that I'm expressing extra interest in his family than usual, everything can and probably will blow up.. whether he knows who we are or not."

"If he knows who we are then we're already screwed," Mason said.

"Jee, that's the spirit, sport!" I responded sarcastically. "Regardless though, I couldn't have pressed it further. And I'm beginning to think that I won't be able to press much further into him unless he's riled up about something," I started, and he sighed.

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