Chapter Eight

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"Hello boys," I announced as I walked into the room. All five of them immediately spun around, drawing their guns and pointing them at me intently.

"The fuck are you?" One of them boomed out at me, his voice abnormally deep.

"Your worst nightmare, Darling," I winked. They all continued to glare back back at me, their threatening stance unwavering. "Why all the guns? What's a girl gotta do to get a nice smile and compliment nowadays?"

The one closest to me raised his hand up in a fist, ordering them all to lower their weapons. I put my hands up to show I was harmless as they all continued to glare me up and down.

"You better start talkin or we're gonna have to shoot that pretty little head of yours," he threatened, stepping closer to me.

"Well.. they do say that my smile lights up a room," I flashed a smile at them and then quickly slipped both of my guns out of their holsters, shooting down the guy in front of me.

I dodged the other four's bullets as they scrambled to shoot at me, rolling to the side and shooting their legs to hinder them. This allowed Mason to make his grand entrance, appearing behind them and shooting two of them in the head.

As the remaining two turned to look at him, I grabbed one of my knives and threw it at one of them, landing it right in between his shoulder blades. As he fell to the ground dramatically, the last guy dropped his gun, turning to face us both with hands raised. Mason and I approached him as he continued to tremble in fear.

"Don't shoot! Please don't shoot!" He begged.

"Alright, we won't," I told him. He had a brief moment of confused relief before I cut it short, kicking him in the downstairs region. As he was hunched over in pain, I rapidly spun around and landed my heel on his temple so hard that his head snapped backward. His body went limp before collapsing onto the cold floor.

"Nice kick," Mason complimented as he leaned down, pulling my knife out of the other guy's back and handing it back to me.

"Why thank you," I grinned at him, slipping the knife back in its strap.

"See, Mase," I began, standing in front of him, "we have this mission in the bag- we just took out half our targets like it was nothing," I reached up and ruffled his hair, causing him to scrunch his nose.

"Don't jinx us, Faye. This mission rose some red flags for you, too," he replied, leading the way back out to the car with his gun drawn (just incase).

Once we got to the car, we sped off down the road with the windows down. I always loved the feeling of the wind sweeping over my face. Right as I stuck my hands up through the sunroof, one of our phones started ringing.

"Who's is that?" He asked me while I frantically searched for it.

"Mine- it's Blake," I told him once I found it, "pull over so I don't have to explain to him why I'm in a car.. I'm too lazy for that right now." Mason sighed and pulled over.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, uh," he replied and paused, clearly hesitating to say whatever he had planned on saying.

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