1 : Truth or Dare (1)

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At the Salvatore Boarding house :

Reader's P.O.V :

"TRUTH OR DARE Y/N?!" Damon yelled in my ear.

"Oh.....God Damon, I do wanna have my ears when I wake up tomorrow." I said while covering my ears.

"Well.....it would be your fault, since your indecisive ass can't choose between a simple truth or dare." He responded annoyingly.

"Truth." I said quickly at which Damon rolled his eyes.

"This game cannot be more boring than this." He sighed.

"If I remember correctly, it was your girlfriend's idea to play this cliche teenager's game." I said as a matter of factly.

"Don't blame Elena for this Y/N. All she wanted, was to cheer everyone up after.....you know.....the incident with the originals.....and help you bond with my friends." He said.

I huffed at his reply. He always takes her side, despite the fact that we have been best friends for YEARS and this ordeal would not have happened if it weren't for Elena.

"Urggghhhh.....fine. I. Choose. Dare. happy now, smarty pants." I fake smiled at him.

"Yes, Very." We both glared at each other.

"Stop this staring battle both of you," Elena exclaimed at us. "Damon, why don't YOU give a dare to Y/N." She said suggestively.

"Yes.....infact, I have a perfect one in mind, just for you." Damon smirked.

I gulped at his reaction. He always has the craziest dares in his mind and the fact that he knows almost everything about me and I JUST pissed him off, doesn't help the situation.

"I dare you to kiss.....The One.....The Only.....Elijah Mikaelson.....on the..... Lips."

I could feel my eyes widen at his statement and the heat rushing to my cheeks. "WHAT?! Are you out of your damn mind. Mr. Suit and Tie will eat me alive."

"Ouuu.....I never knew you were so kinky." He winked at me.

"Damoonnn....." I whined.

"Don't "Damon" me." He said angrily, before he began again in a softer tone. "Come on Y/N.....we ALL are aware of your secret.....well, not so secret crush on Mr. Suit and Tie. This is your chance, a life time opportunity. You can either confess your liking towards him and then KISS him or just KISS him. The choice is yours." He shrugged.

I made a face of distaste at him. "You suck at motivational talk. Besides, I don't even know where he is right now.....and what if he is with klaus, I will end up being a vampire snack." I said fearfully. How do I tell Damon that I don't wanna face Elijah. Atleast not yet.

"Don't worry, I have a full proof plan." He smirked at me and walked upstairs.

"Where are you going?!" I yelled at him.

He vamp speeded back to me. "Get in the car," He said while waving the car keys in front of my face. "I am driving you to the Mikaelson Mansion."

I opened my mouth to reply but closed it soon after, because I knew there is no escaping this. "Fine." I said and started to make my way outside.

"Are you sure you want to do it?" Caroline asked me hesitatingly.

"It's a game barbie. Besides, Do I even have a choice." I said and linked my arm with Damon.

"Let's get this over with." I smiled at him reassuringly. I just hope everything goes well.

In the car :

Reader's P.O.V :

"And.....we are here." Damon's voice rang in my ear. I took deep breaths and looked at him.

"Is there any chance, I can convince you to change your mind?" I pleaded him with my best puppy dog eyes.

"Don't be such a baby." He scoffed. "Now go ahead and make me proud and be sure to use JUST the right amount of tongue." He said and nudged me to get out of the car.

"Fine.....but if I die, it's on YOU." I said while gesturing towards him.

"I won't let you." He said and I began making my way to the doorstep of the Mikaelson Mansion.

"I will be at the boarding house, waiting to get all the juicy details out of you!" He yelled at me and drove away.

At the Mikaelson Mansion :

Reader's P.O.V :

It's now or never Y/N. You can do it. Just take deep breaths and go for it.

I went to knock the door but decided against it and slowly pushed opened the door. I knew where his room was, maybe I will catch him by surprise.

I found myself at the doorway of Elijah's room. The door was half open, so I peeked in and there stood Elijah in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets cascading down his body.

I had a perfect view of his muscular body and his V line.....Oh God, he is going to be the death of me. He opened another cabinet of his wardrobe, it looked as if he was searching for something.

I should probably look away but I can't.....it's as if, my eyes are glued to him.

"Like what you see." His voice got me out of my trance.

"What?!" I asked utterly shocked. Has he known I was here the whole time?

He turned around. "I said, " Like what you see."." He said while pointing at me.

"Yes, I mean NO, I mean YES.....," I responded frantically. "Oh God, this just got awkward." I muttered under my breath.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" He asked me with a poker face.

"Ummm.....I came here to do something to you, I mean ask something from you.....OH MY GOD, what I reallyyy mean is, I came here to ask a favour from you." I let out a deep breath.

"What made you think, I am interested in providing you with any favours?" He said while making his way towards me and stopped just a few inches away from me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and my heart pounding in my chest and I bet he can hear it too.

"Am I making you nervous Miss. Y/N Y/L/N?" He asked while leaning towards me. A hint of amusement in his eyes. I could feel his breath on my face.

Don't answer that. Keep your mouth shut.

"Tell me. What is it that you want?" He asked while staring right into my eyes.


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Mikaelson Fanfiction

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