6 : Arranged Marriage (2)

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*10th century*

Somewhere in the woods :

You were washing clothes near the river when you heard something. You turned around immediately but there was nothing. Thinking it had been your imagination, you shrugged it off and started working again.

After a few moments you heard the sound again. Now, you knew you weren't imagining, you picked up a small stick lying beside you and slowly turned around, there was still nothing but you could hear the rustling in the bushes. You held out the stick like a weapon and walked towards the bushes.

"Hello. Who is there?" You asked, terrified. You had heard about the attacks on humans by the wolves.

As you reached closer, the bushes started shaking violently and someone jumped out. A yelp escaped your lips as you fell backwards, you screamed but that someone put their hand against your mouth to muffle your screams.

"Be quiet, Y/N. I am not going to eat you." You opened your eyes and found Niklaus grinning at you. You angrily swatted his hand away and pushed him off you.

"Nik, must you scare me." You exclaimed and placed your hand on your heart to calm yourself.

Niklaus chuckled. "You are getting married in two days. I thought I'll pay you a visit."

"Do you have the answer to my question?"

Niklaus sighed. He knew you were not going to leave it alone. "Yes, Elijah is ready to marry you and no, he is not being forced." Niklaus knew very well that Elijah did not want this marriage and it wasn't right to lie but he had his reasons.

You smiled at him. When your father asked you, which mikaelson would you like to marry? You had said Elijah, without a second thought.

You were not in love with him and you had never seen him but Niklaus used to talk about him a lot. He sounded like the perfect gentleman, you thought you could be happy with him but you didn't want to force this marriage on him, so you had asked Niklaus to talk to Elijah and find out whether he wanted this marriage or not.

You were really happy when you heard Elijah wanted to marry you. Maybe it was a sign that God finally wants you to live a happy life.

"I have to go, the sun is setting. Goodbye, Niklaus." You said while walking back towards the river.

"Goodbye, Y/N." He said smiling.

"And thankyou." You knew your life was going to change for the better now.

In the middle of village :

Elijah stood in front of the altar, waiting for his bride, he is getting married to a girl that he had never seen. He would have never agreed to this, if it weren't for his parents.

Why couldn't he marry Tatia, his one true love? She was so perfect, like a goddess. He had always dreamt of being married to her, spending his life with her.....no, he shouldn't think about Tatia now, he is getting married in a few minutes.

Elijah was lost in his thoughts when Niklaus nudged him to look at the entrance. He was speechless when he glanced at you, his bride.

You wore a modest dress which complimented your olive skin. You had long, deep brown wavy hair, beautifully decorated with flowers. You had prominent facial features.

Elijah was staring at you with an open mouth when your eyes met his. You had big beautiful eyes which were the same colour as your hair.

You felt butterflies when you looked at him, your soon to be husband. Niklaus was right about him, he was so handsome and charismatic, it was as if.....he was the definition of perfect.

He had to admit you were breath-takingly beautiful but he frowned when his gaze fell on rest of your body. You were.....thin, like REALLY thin. He could not understand, how you were so thin. You belonged to a wealthy family but you looked like you haven't eaten in days.

He pushed all the thoughts aside when the rituals began. He tried really hard to concentrate but he just couldn't. The vows were empty words and the ceremony was meaningless for him. He wanted all of it to be over, so he could go back, sleep and escape this reality.

"You may now seal your union with a kiss."

Elijah looked at you and you were already staring at him with your beautiful brown eyes. He nervously leaned forward and touched your lips for a second before pulling back.

Everyone cheered, flowers were showered on both of you. The whole village was celebrating the wedding. Musicians were playing by the fire, people were laughing, talking and dancing. Mikael had arranged a lot of delicious food for the villagers and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Elijah was sitting beside you, silently eating when Mikael whispered in his ear that it was time for you both to go to your home. Elijah knew what it meant. They wanted the newlyweds to consummate their marriage.

Reluctantly, Elijah got up and picked you up, bridal style. He was surprised at how light you were, just like a feather. He made a mental note to have a conversation with you about your eating habits.

His brothers were smirking at him and he could hear some people cheering him to bed you well as he carried you towards the cottage.

At the cottage :

"Co.....could you please put me down?" You asked as you and Elijah entered your home.

Elijah put you down and closed the door behind him and you. You walked around the cottage, taking in every detail. The candles, the flowers and the bed. You did not even realize when Elijah sat on the bed until he said, "Do you what happens now?"

You nodded. You knew what he meant and your mother's words rang in your ears. "Do whatever he asks of you and do your best to please him."

"Do you want to....." You asked him quietly.

Elijah went to deny but he stopped. He had no desires to consummate the marriage but he had no other choice, he wanted to get it over with, so he nodded. "Yes."

You went to take off your wedding gown but his voice stopped you.

"Wait." He said. You had ruined his one chance at love, so he decided he was not going to make it easy for you.

You have clevery arranged for me to be married to you, so now I am going to show you, what it means to be my wife.

"Is there a problem?" Your question brought him back to reality. He smiled softly.

"No no, I just want to do everything properly." He said and began advancing on you.


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With love,
Mikaelson Fanfiction

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