4 : Truth or Dare (4)

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At the Mikaelson Mansion :

Reader's P.O.V :

"Y/N.....Y/N darling, wake up."

"Mhmm.....five more minutes." I mumbled. He chuckled at my childish behavior.

"I need you to open the door Miss Y/L/N since my hands are busy."

Wait, I know that voice. Is that Elijah?

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in Elijah's arms, with my head on his shoulder. "Hi." I said in a sleepy voice.

"Hello there, sleepy head." He said jokingly.

"Is this real?"

"Very much so." He smiled at me softly. I leaned down to reach the doorknob and opened the door.

As he walked inside, I looked at him open mouthed. "What?" He asked confusedly.

"Does this mean you carried me ALL the way on feet?" I asked him in disbelief. He nodded, yes. "You didn't have to take so much trouble for me.....you could have just woken me up."

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up. Besides, you really needed it."

"Who knew you could be sensitive," I teased him. "and sooo STRONG." I half yelled as I attempted to squeeze his bicep. He laughed at me.

His laugh is got to be the most beautiful sound.

Elijah gently laid me on his bed and placed a pillow behind by back for support. "I will be right back." He kissed me on the forehead and vamp speeded away.

He returned after a few seconds and handed me two tablets with a glass of water. "What is this for?" I questioned him.

"One is for your fever and the other is a mild pain killer." He said as I took the medicine. He sat down beside me and gently lifted my leg and placed it on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused.

"I am bandaging the wound properly."

"You know, I never knew you had a soft spot for me." I admitted.

"A thousand years on earth had taught me to hide my emotions well." He shrugged. "All done." He smiled as he put the antiseptic away.

"I guess I have to find someone else then.....someone who could be expressive.....someone who isn't afraid to speak his heart out." I teased him.

He looked taken aback by my response. "Pray tell, who that someone might be?" He asked. I could sense some jealousy in his voice.

"Hhmm.....I don't know, maybe Stefan, he's pretty expressive and he's single too or.....maybe Klaus, he's hot. Is he single?" I teased him further.

He firmly grabbed my thighs and pulled me onto his lap. "You, my darling are stuck with me."

"I guess I have to manage then." I shrugged.

In a second, I was pressed against the headboard. "What were you saying, my darling?" He said, a devilish smirk playing on his lips and suddenly I became hyperaware of everything around me.

The way our bodies were pressed against each other. His breath fanning my face. The comfortable silence that surrounded us.

I could feel my heart rate accelerating. My gaze flickered between his eyes and lips and I knew he was thinking the same thing.

He slowly leaned in, giving me enough time to stop him if I want to. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. Our noses brushed, our lips grazed against each other and then he finally pressed his lips to mine.

My entire body froze for a second but not enough that I didn't kiss him back.

His kiss was short and sweet. He pulled away after a moment and we stared into each other eyes then I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Kiss me." I murmured into his lips which were mere millimeters away from mine and he was more than happy to comply.

He grabbed me by the back of the head and crashed his lips onto mine, this time with more force. My eyes closed instinctively and my fingers gripped his hair pulling him closer.

With every passing second, the kiss was becoming more urgent and passionate and I was being further pressed into the headboard. It was nothing like I have ever experienced.

After minutes of devouring each other, I broke the kiss, to breathe. Even after the kiss broke, I couldn't open my eyes, fearing that once I open them, he'll not be there and all of it, would just be a dream.

"Look at me." He hoarsely whispered.
I slowly opened my eyes and found him smiling at me. "I love you."

"I love you too, Elijah." I confessed.

He grinned widely and kissed me again. "Your lips are the most sweetest and the softest lips that I have ever kissed."

"And these are the only lips you'll kiss from now on." I warned him.

He chuckled. "Indeed my dear."

"Miss Y/N Y/L/N, will you give me the honor and the joy of being your boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes at him playfully. "Yes Elijah, I will be your girlfriend."


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With love,
Mikaelson Fanfiction

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