7 : That Time of the Month (1)

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At your house :

You groaned as you rolled over to reach your vibrating phone on the bedside table. You were about to grab it when you felt a sharp unpleasant sensation in your stomach.

"You've got to be kidding me." You muttered under your breath. Your periods were never easy. You had severe cramps and a heavy flow, causing frequent trips to the bathroom which usually put you in a bad mood.

The phone vibrated in your hand. You glanced at it to find Elijah calling you but you declined it straight away.

He is your boyfriend and you should probably tell him but he is a vampire too and you did not want to put him in a difficult situation, so you purposely avoided him, like you have been for about an year, at that time of the month.

You closed your eyes and tried to get away from the torment, the cramps were putting you through.

Elijah knocked the door of your house and your mother opened the door.

"Hello, Elijah. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" She said smiling.

"Good evening, Mrs. Y/L/N. Is Y/N home? I have some urgent matter to discuss with her." He knew he was being rude but he didn't care. You were not answering his calls or his texts and it had him worried sick.

"Oh...please come in." She said and motioned for him to enter the house.

"Y/N, Elijah is here." She yelled.

Your mother's voice rang in your ears and you groggily opened your eyes.

I must have fallen asleep.

Your eyes widened when you remembered what your mother had said, Elijah is here.

Oh God, what am I gonna do?

You were panicking now. You did not want Elijah to see you like this, unkempt hair, unattractive clothes, hormonal behaviour and in excruciating pain.

"Y/N." Your mother yelled again.

"Mom." You said but it came out a lot weaker than you wanted it to and your mother probably didn't hear it but Elijah sure did. He was even more concerned as he heard your unusually uneven heartbeat.

"I don't remember when she left." She said in a low voice.

"It appears, she isn't home. You could wait for her if you want but I am afraid, I won't be able to entertain you. I have to get some essential supplies from the grocery store."

"No need to worry, Mrs. Y/L/N. I will be fine."

Elijah was waiting for the moment your mom left the house. He was really worried for your health but he did his best to hide his emotions behind a composed demeanor.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, Elijah vamp spedded to your room, bursting the door open.

You jumped at the sudden movement causing you to fall off the bed. You yelped and tears sprung your eyes at the impact.

Elijah speeded to you and lifted you up bridal style, placing you gently on the bed. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

He cupped your cheek, forcing you to look at him, when he saw the tears in your eyes, he frantically asked, "Where are you hurt? Let me see."

You held his face in your hands. "I am fine, Elijah." You said in a raspy voice.

"You are not. You are bleeding, I can smell your blood."

Realization dawned upon your face.

He is a vampire. Of course, he can smell the blood.

You sighed. "Okay...I am not fine. It's my..." You slowly leaned in and motioned him to come closer and when he did, you whispered in his ear. "It's my period."

He was silent for a moment. A chuckle escaped his lips, when he had processed what you had said.

Your mouth hung open and you playfully smacked his chest. "It's not funny." You exclaimed but it only made him laugh even more. "It's really painful." You said in a low voice and pouted your lips.

You looked so adorable in that moment and he couldn't resist kissing that pout away. His gesture made you smile, he sure does know how to calm you.

"Are you having bad cramps, my dear." He asked while stroking your cheek with his thumb. You hummed in response.

"Is this the reason, why you have been avoiding me?" You nodded unable to find the right words to say.

"Don't be embarrassed, my dear. I have some experience in such matters." He said and kissed your forehead lightly.

"Now, it all makes sense."

"What makes sense?" You asked confusedly.

"Your uneven heartbeat, the whimpering and the smell of your delicious blood."

"Eww...stop it's disgusting." You scrunched your nose to emphasize your point.

"I am a vampire, darling. I survive on blood and your blood is exquisite, like you." He involuntarily licked his lips.

You stuck your tongue out at him like a child, causing him to laugh but the moment was destroyed when another cramp hit you. Your breath hitched and you clutched your stomach tightly.

Elijah examined you and said, "You, my dear, are in a serious need of care and medication."

He was about to get up but you held his hand. "No medicine, Elijah. I don't want it."

"But you DO need it."

"Elijaahhh, pleaseee...I don't want it."

He rolled his eyes at you. "Okay fine, no medicine."

He got up and took out a heating bag from under your bed and plugged it in. "While it's warming, I suggest you take rest." He said firmly.

"No, shower first. I am feeling dirty."

He chuckled and you made grabby hands at him, he rolled his eyes but accepted your unsaid request. He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom.

He sat you on the edge of the bathtub and ran the water. "Do you want me to help you undress, my dear?" He said playfully. Your cheeks flushed at the thought.


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Mikaelson Fanfiction

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