8 : That Time of the Month (2)

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At your house :

"No, I will not be needing your help for this...nice try though." You smirked at him.

"It was worth a shot." He replied cockily.

"Take a shower, my dear. I will prepare some tea for you, it's good for the cramps." He said as he kissed your forehead and exited the bathroom.

A satisfied sigh left your lips as you got into the bathtub. The water was hot, just like how you liked it. You made a mental note to thank Elijah for this. You grabbed a lavender scented bathbomb and dropped it in the water.

Closing your eyes, you laid your head on the edge of the bathtub. The fragrance of lavender was filling the bathroom, it helped to relieve your stress. The hot water was doing wonders, it reduced the tension in the muscles and had soothed the pain to a great extent.

After a good amount of time, the door was knocked. "Come in, Elijah."

When he entered, his eyes darkened with lust at the sight of you but he was a gentleman, so he quickly turned around, covering his eyes. "I apologize, I wasn't aware you were still in the bathtub."

You chuckled. "We are dating, Elijah. Besides, it's nothing you haven't seen before." You stated as a matter of factly.

He grabbed your bathrobe from the counter and handed it to you.

You got out of the bathtub and wrapped the bathrobe around you. Elijah still had his back towards you, so hugged him from behind. "Thank you so much for this." You said and placed a kiss on his upper back.

He gently grabbed your arms and turned around, so that you both were face to face. He lightly pecked your lips but you wanted more, so wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

He pulled away from you after a few seconds causing you to frown at him. "Not now, my dear. First, we have to take care you and then we'll have plenty of time for this."

Reluctantly, you removed yourself from him. You shouldn't be angry at him for this and you normally wouldn't be but the hormones were getting the best of you. You definitely did not want to fight and regret it later, so you quietly walked out of the bathroom.

Elijah sighed. He knew you were having a terrible day and that you were not yourself but he had a very little experience in these things and he had never been with you when you had your period, so he was bound to make mistakes but he was trying his best to understand you and cheer you up.

When he entered your room, he found you sitting on the bed, arms crossed over your chest, a frown on your forehead and a pout playing on your lips. He swore you looked like a child who didn't get what they wanted.

Hesitatingly, he walked towards you with a cup of tea in his hand. "Y/N." He called you and held the cup in front of your face. You looked at him with your best dangerous face.

"I don't want it." You scoffed.

"Please, my dear. It will help you." He pleaded.

"I said, I don't want it." You snapped at him. You knew you were being a brat or a jerk, whatever you call it but you couldn't help it.

"I made it with so much love, specially for you and you don't want it. All my efforts are wasted." He said sadly. Although, it was a facade to try and get you to drink it but you didn't knew that.

You melted at the sight of him, you could never see him sad and you feared that he'll leave you alone here if you kept treating him this way, so you quickly grabbed the cup and thanked him.

"That's like a good girl." He grinned and sat down beside you.

"Woman...I am a woman." You corrected him.

"Yes, my dear. I can surely see you have blossomed into a marvellous woman."

Your cheeks heated at his compliment and you were sure your face was beet red at the momemt but you still smiled shyly at him. "I am sorry for walking out on you earlier. I should have told you that I get really bad mood swings. I was infuriated a minute ago and now I am smiling like a kid who ate a jar full of candies." You admitted sheepishly.

He chuckled. "You are mine and I absolutely love everything about you, my dear." He smiled softly at you.

"The tea is really good." You said between sips.

"I am glad you like it and I am sorry too...I want to be with you but the constant smell your blood is driving me insane. I already crave you so much that I am afraid if I am so close to you right now, my hunger might get the best of me. Your blood smells so divine that it's taking every ounce of energy in me to not sink my fangs into you." He confessed.

You stared at him open mouthed. You were ranting about your problems, your pain but you didn't even think, how difficult it must be for him to be around a bleeding human. You bowed your head in guilt and fidgeted with your nails.

"Forgive me, I didn't knew." You said in a low voice.

"Don't worry my dear. I..." He started but you interrupted him.

"I promise I will make it up to you. Let me get changed." You said as you got up from the bed.

"I will help you." He said and moved towards you.

"I'll be fine. I can manage." You said and hurried into your walk in closet.

After a few minutes, you walked out of your closet in your PJ's to find Elijah sitting by the window reading a book. You walked over to him and grabbed the book from his hand, closing it and placing it down on the table.

"Come, I have something for you in the kitchen." You said and motioned him to follow you.

He nodded and moved forward to pick you up but you stopped him.

"I can walk, the pain is barely there." You assured him.

"I want you to close your eyes." You said exictedly as you both entered the kitchen.

He raised his eyebrow at you. "Why?"

"Please, just do it." You pleaded and he complied.


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With love,
Mikaelson Fanfiction

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