11 : Compelled into a Lie (2)

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I updated it quite late, so please read the previous chapter again to catch up with the story.

At the Mystic Falls Park :

A smile tugged on Elijah's lips when he saw you cradling Luke as if he was baby.

His gaze traveled up and down on your body, silently observing you. Your clothes were tattered, dirt clung to your body and your hairs were dishevelled.

When you felt eyes on you, you looked up at him. Your eyes met his and he instantly looked away, being caught in the act. You shyly bowed your head and said, "Umm...thank you for helping me."

"Don't mention it." He replied instantly.

Not knowing what to say any further, you wobbled towards the spilled food.
You gently laid luke on your blanket and began picking up the wrappers of food.

Elijah frowned and walked towards you. "Let me help you with this. You shouldn't move too much, you are injured." He said and took the waste from you, throwing it in the dustbin.

"It's quite alright, nothing new." You said shrugging.

He eyed you with concern and said, "You have several injuries. Would you like me to take you to a hospital?"

You chuckled at the concern in his voice. It has been a long time since someone cared for you and you didn't knew whether to be shocked or amused.

"No, thank you. I am fine, Mr..." You trailed off not knowing what to call him.

Realization dawned upon his face and he began. "How rude of me, I am Elijah." He said and extended his hand towards you.

He knew you needed medical care but he understood that you hardly knew him and couldn't trust him and he wouldn't force you.

"Elijah." You whispered his name to yourself, liking how it rolled on your tongue.

Though you said it lowly, Elijah heard it quite clearly due to his vampire hearing. He smiled lightly, knowing you like his name.

"I am Y/N." You said and took his hand but instead of shaking it, he brought your hand to his mouth attempting to kiss it but you snatched your hand away, leaving him in confusion.

"Sorry...but I haven't taken a shower in days and my skin is dirty." You admitted sheepishly.

"Let me assure you, my dear, I don't mind a little dirt." He smiled and extended his hand towards you again.

You hesitantly placed your hand in his, blushing when he placed a small kiss on the back of your hand.

"I-I should get going, it's getting late." You nervously said and wobbled back to your blanket, lying on the grass next to Luke. As if sensing your presence he snuggled to your side.

You picked him up and placed him on your stomach, gently running your fingers through his fur, lulling him to sleep while staring at the sky.

"What are you doing? You'll get your clothes dirty." You said confusedly when Elijah laid next to you.

"I told you, I don't mind a little dirt." He said and turned his head to look at you, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You two seem pretty close." He said gesturing to you and Luke.

"Yeah, he is the only family I have left. I actually met him here, in this park. I don't have much to do here, so I was just roaming around, admiring the nature, looking at the kids playing and then I heard splashing of water. Initially, I thought some kids must be playing in the water but a part of me wanted to check it out and that's when I found Luke. He somehow ended up in the lake and he couldn't swim, so I got him out and I also noticed that he had some problem with his leg. I don't know for sure if it's broken or it's a birth defect."

"The bond that you have with him is beautiful." He said.

"It is." You said.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up here?" Elijah hesitatingly asked. He did not want to scare you away but he wanted to know more about you and curiosity got the best of him.

"It's a long story." You said simply, not wanting to relive the old memories.

"And it's a long night." He said.

"I am sure you have more important things to do." You said trying to divert his attention.

"Not at the moment." He argued.

"You are not gonna leave it, are you?" You playfully narrowed your eyes at him.

"You intrigue me, my dear. I want to know more about you." He said smiling.

His smile sent shivers down your body. You just met him but there was something about him that kept you drawing towards him. "How can I trust that you will never use this information against me." You said giving in.

"I give you my word, I won't speak of this to anyone." He said sincerely. You wanted to believe him but there was a part of you that was still scared.

"Promise me that you never tell my secret to anyone."

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?" You said and extended your littlest finger towards him.

He chuckled and locked his littlest finger with yours. "Pinky promise."

You took a deep breath and said, "I had a beautiful family. I lived with my parents and my younger sister. We were a happy family until one night everything took a wrong turn.

My sister desperately wanted to go to her crush's party. She insisted that I accompany her but I didn't want to. I was too shy and reserved for going to social events such as that party, so I kept refusing and she ended up going alone.

It turned out that the party was a facade. The boy, my sister's crush spiked her drink and had sex with her and the poor girl had no idea. When she woke up she couldn't remember anything. She came home and everything went as usual but then she missed her period. She was already sexually active, so she thought it would be best to take a pregnancy test. She didn't have one, so she took one out of our mom's closet and it tested her positive but she was dumb enough to throw it in the trash can of our parent's bathroom. Can you believe it and then mom found it the next day.

Meanwhile I had no idea about any of this, so it came to me as a shock when my mother bursted into my room, with the test in her hand, blaming me that I was pregnant.

She didn't even bother to ask me whether I was the one who took the test or not. She just assumed it was me who was pregnant. I shouted. I cried. I tried to talk to them but they were not ready to listen, thinking I had spoiled the name of the family and they threw me out.

I went to a charity home for homless and lived there for a few days and that's when my sister visited me. She told me the whole story and that the test was indeed hers and I was beyond angry. I asked her to confess it our parents but she was so scared by seeing their reaction towards me that she kept denying it.


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With love,

Elijah Mikaelson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now