3 : Truth or Dare (3)

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In the middle of nowhere :

Reader's P.O.V :

"Why do you care.....huh.....you didn't care then and you don't care now, so Go Away." I half yelled at him.

"Y/N....." He began but I interrupted him.

"No, Elijah. I am not a toy.....I have feelings too." I said angrily, with sadness in my voice.

His head hung low in guilt. "I am sorry Y/N. I am ashamed of what I said to you and I apologize for every single bit of pain I have caused you but you must understand, it was not easy for me. The circumstances didn't....." I interrupted him again.

"What circumstances Elijah? No circumstance allows you to say those things to me. You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry." I said on the verge of tears.

"Did you really think that confessing your feelings would make me fall head over heels for you?"

"Who could ever love a girl like you?"

"A petty human, you are nothing to a vampire.....let alone, an original vampire."

"You can fall in love with anyone who is nice to you, just because you are desperate for love."

His words replayed in my head.

"Y/N, let me explain.....please." He pleaded me.

"Fine. You want to explain, then explain but choose your words wisely because this is your LAST CHANCE." I warned him.

He took a deep breath and said, "The first time I saw you, you were.....the little crazy human, trying everything to save her best friend's love whilst keeping herself safe. Initially, I thought you were a arrogant, materialistic teenager but then.....I realized, you were infact the complete opposite, you were sweet, polite and caring and NOT a teenager." His eyes bore into mine before he continued.

"There is a certain aura around you, and it's so pure and positive and.....innocent. It just keeps me drawing to you. I used to silently observe you, how your eyes sparkle when you were about to do something mischievous, how you bite your bottom lip when you were nervous. I could never take my eyes off you." His words were slowly melting me and it was getting hard to remain angry at him.

"And I noticed, how your heart beats faster when I am around, how your breath hitches when we accidentally touch." I could hear his voice crack and he paused for a moment.

"When you told me you had feelings for me.....it was this.....strange feeling of happiness, something I haven't felt in ages and I wanted nothing more than to tell you that I reciprocated the feelings, that I loved you." He said as a single tear slid down his cheek.

HE LOVES ME?! Did he just say that he loves me?

"But my mind reminded me of Niklaus, how he had killed every single one of my lovers for centuries.....and I did not want the same fate for you, so I did what I thought was the best for both of us. I stayed away from you.....and when it came to a point where you were not giving up I thought it was best if you would hate me. It would make staying away from you easier, so I had to say those hurtful things to you. I swear on my life that I did not mean any of it." He said firmly.

"Hey.....don't cry, you have cried enough because of me." He said softly. I touched my cheek and realized, I was actually crying. His words, his tears at the thought of losing me, broke down the wall I had build around my heart.

I threw my arms around his neck and he held me close while I sobbed and gripped his shirt tightly. He rocked me back and forth and his hands made circles on my back to calm me down and when he tried to pull away, I pulled him back in a much tighter hug again. He chuckled lightly. "Don't leave me, please....." I said fearfully between sobs "Don't worry darling.....I am never going to leave you but please stop crying." He assured me.

After a few moments. I pulled away from him reluctantly. He stroked my tear stained cheek and examined me with concerned eyes. "You are burning up and you are bleeding." He said glancing once again at my knee.

He took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his jacket. "May I?" He asked me. I nodded, yes.

He gently touched my knee and wounded the handkerchief around it. I hissed in pain. "I am sorry. Did I hurt you?" He asked with concern in his eyes. I shook my head.

I felt butterflies at the sight of him taking care of me. "Even if the wound is small, you must tend to it. To avoid any infection." He smiled at me softly.

He stood up and offered me his hand, which I took gladly. "Careful." He said, when I was trying to get up. "Are you certain, you can walk by yourself?" He asked me politely.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I am fine, Elijah." I smiled at him reassuringly. I was about to move forward when I felt him sweep me off my feet.

I looked at him open mouthed. "Put me down, Elijah." I exclaimed. "I am FINE. I am not fragile." I scolded him half heartedly.

"No, YOU are MY little fragile human and you may be fine but I am not risking anything. Besides, I would never leave any opportunity I have of pampering you." He grinned.

I sighed in defeat and laid my head on his shoulder as he began walking. The feeling of being in his arms was so heavenly. I couldn't help but smile at him adoringly.


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With love,
Mikaelson Fanfiction

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